they better open them up only if they want to stay in office...I give it 6 months before they throw the tree huggers to the wolvesDo you agree that congress better open up some oil reserves?
Only if the country is completely full of idiots.
It would take a decade to get any gas out of ANWR. And it wouldn't be enough to make any difference in the price. And the only benefit would be to the oil companies, who would have it to sell at even higher prices.
And when all the domestic reserves are gone, burned up by spoiled, gluttonous morons who think the founding fathers fought so they could commute fifty miles a day to McDonald's in an SUV, then the US can think about what they're going to run their army on, when it comes down to that.
i think they should relinquish the power completely. it isnt their land to begin with. And most Alaskans want us to start drilling. its ludicrous that we are the most resource abundant nation on the planet, and we're letting half-witted Socialist hacks keep us from using what we've got.
I wanted to puke when I heard that raving B! Maxine Waters slip up and try to cover up what she almost said about ';socializing'; the oil industry!!!!!
';What was that frau Waters? We need to socialize private industries and invade Poland you say?';
The oil is there for emergencies. $4 gas is not an emergency. Pain in the butt, yes. But emergency? No. All of the infrastructure is still intact. Pumps are still pumping. Supply is still coming.
What if a nuclear war started, or an asteroid hit? We'd need that oil, BAD.
Gas is almost $10 per gallon in Europe.
When adjusted for inflation, gas is about the same price now as it was in the 1920s. Relatively speaking, gas isn't that expensive... we've just been paying unrealistically low prices for many years.
Considering they just voted no on it in the last week i think your crying in the wind. BTW the Republicans hardly made a whimper over it.. They believe they are beaten already and dont want to make the media mad. Its gonna be a rough four years.
Lets put that bi__h on an oil rig, and see how she likes it, she is a true disgrace to the people of the USA!!!! how in hell did she get in anyway!! I do not know one person that likes her!!! or thinks she has ever!! done any thing worth while
They should definitely. We need to be drilling on our own land. The people who don't want to drill there are far outnumbered by people who DO.
Congress shouldn't have the power to tell private industries where they can and can't drill.
To the guy who said $4 a gallon gas isnt bad, just a pain..
I make 1,400 dollars a week, and $900 goes to gas. In 2002 it was only $120
yes I agree....people arent hungry enough yet to start throwing liberals in the fire but it wont be long....I want to light pelosi's fire myself....
America needs to stop giving money to these country's who are charging us so much for oil or up the price on anything we send them. Yes lets drill for our oil in our own country.
The liberal who will drill for oil build nuke plants and protect our borders will get my vote
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