Friday, December 18, 2009

Do you think Iraqs oil reserves had anything to do with the Bush administrations decision to topple Saddam?

and send troops into iraq?Do you think Iraqs oil reserves had anything to do with the Bush administrations decision to topple Saddam?

It has to do with securing the 2nd largest remaining oil reserves in the world, after Saudi Arabia goes dry.

Give them a decade to ramp up production, while the Saudi's ramp down.Do you think Iraqs oil reserves had anything to do with the Bush administrations decision to topple Saddam?
Even the snails I crush on the way to school know that the war was about oil. The perfect pretext for it was available and that is why Bush and Company decided to go to war. Sadam was not really the problem. If you do a deep study to his style of leadership, you will find that he was actually more liberal and democratic than that of the current King of Saudi Arabia. Our government only demonized him in our minds because he stopped being a slave/submissive dictator to our government's interests. Most people don't even know of any of our current allies' human records because our government is turning a blind eye to them. But once a government ceases to become a slave/submissive government, then our president will start demonizing it and revealing its human rights abuses.

Oil reserves are dwindling. We are close to, if not already at, peak production. And with the rise of China and India as gas-guzzlers, Bush decided to take pre-emptive actions and secure Iraqi oil for western exploitation.
No. Have you noticed that oil prices are Still Going Up? If that would have been the case they would have moved on the oil fields, taken them over and pumped oil.

I think they did not take advantage of a situation where they could have bargained for lower prices for the next decade or two.

Have you heard of all the schools, hospitals, roads etc that have been built though? Have you heard that the majority of people are happy?

If not check out the Economist - where you will get the truth.
Care to look up how much of the Iraqi oil we get?? Might surprise you Liberals!!

The oil is mostly controlled by the Kurds and the Iraqi government and it's sold to help bring financial stability to Iraq. It's sold to anyone who will buy it. Wanna bet your so called Bush Oil Company gets any?? What a dumb statement butthats the norm for Liberals!!!
Definitely. Why didn't he go into other countries that ';needed help';?

It's obvious that the oil was the only reason. They know for sure that the bush administration lied to the whole world when they told him about the ';weapons of mass destruction'; that they didn't have.
Not at all, that is far left gossip and rumor. Don't you think the media would be having a field day if Bush were profiting from a war he initially started. Don't you think the 110th congress would be having hearings? Fact is hyped rumor by bloggers that want recognition put this garbage out. And it'll get worse as time moves on.
since the Iraqi oil is being sold on the open market I don't see that as a reason. Since the Democrats were the ones that were telling us about the threat Saddam posed to the region all thru the 90s, I would expect a president to finally act on it.
Why do you think the first thing the army secured were the oil fields?

BTW-----I still wonder whatever happened to the hundreds of millions in American cash went.Remember the money found they found in some of Saddam's palaces.
Yeah,that and the fact that Saddam had stopped selling his oil in dollars and started accepting Euros instead. As of Feb 2008, Iran is doing the same thing.
I do think we went there for oil (mostly). You do realize oil is an incredibly valuable thing don't you? You would have to very stupid not to understand that.
Yes bceause President Bush also had a ';self interest'; notion to the war, because he also owns an oil company in Texas.

For all I know, he should have been impeached for being a moron.
You're wrong there - It wasn't Iraq's oil, it was America's oil. Iraq was only holding it for us
Unlikely...but it's an easy thing for some Liberals to say.

If that were the case the US would invade Venezuela and Canada first.
As a person with a funtional brain and an IQ double yours, I have to say no.
We're still in Iraq arent we?
where's our oil payoff, then

why else would they go there

How long can the US oil reserves last?

Probably a lot more than the US leads its people to believe. In 2004 we were the 3rd most oil productive country in the world, Saudi Arabia being number 1. Many places in the US produce oil, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Texas, Tennesse, and many others. We probably have enough for the US's use for at least a few hundred years. ***How long can the US oil reserves last?
35 YEARSHow long can the US oil reserves last?
depends on how you use them
depends how long you can go without filling your gas tank!
3 answers :

1/ The most important : reserves are of different kind. There are the total oil in place and there are the economic reserves, the strategic reserves etc... The world being what it is, money is the ultimate question. So your question should be : ';How much the US consumer is ready to pay for domestic oil ?';. There are still reserves of coal in UK, France, Germany but it is not any more exploited because it is not economic. When the price of oil will grow, some non-economic reserves, like tar sands for example, will become economic. However, it has a limit. By the way, most of the production of oil of US is used domestically : US is consuming around 21 millions barrels of oil per day and is producing around 7.5 millions. It is exporting only 1 millions of this production.

2/ You need to look at how much the US consumers will take time to adapt to a modern and less consuming style of life. This is another challenge. But with time, the consumation of petroleum products might slightly decrease in the USA, or at least stop to increase.

3/ You need to look at the rate of renewal of the reserves. If a country is producing 7.5 millions barrels per day but is discovering only worth of 6 millions barrels per day, there is a loss of around 500 millions barrels per year which is roughly a big field. This is huge. So you have to look at the famous Hubbert's curve defining the peak oil. After a bit of refining, one should plot the oil production per capita vs time. It peaks around 1980 if I remember well my petroleum economic training. Then there is a decline which can be mathematically calculated using various hypothesis depending on uncertainties.

So, if you look all this and you think the US consumer will change and will be ready to pay 15 $ per gallons for his 4WD car and the oil companies will start to exploit oil shales, you can still expect about 100 years of reserves.
Only after the reserve lost in all oil rich Countries.
there was a study done years ago. which shown our own oil could last at least two hundred years at current rate of use.

better question is, why buy up foreign oil when we have plenty of our own?

by the time we run out, we will probably have an alternative fuel source, which the study did state do to all the changes we always go through.

Does anybody know where the largest oil reserves in Africa are?

If you tell me and prove where you got it from, I promise that I shall give you the best answer.

Thank YouDoes anybody know where the largest oil reserves in Africa are?
they are in africaDoes anybody know where the largest oil reserves in Africa are?
Are you Cheney???

Oh no, are you going to, erm, export democracy to Africa??
Nigeria my friend, go and look it up on you'll see im right
under the ground.
I thought they only made oil in Iraq!

If Hawaii discovered it had huge oil reserves, would the Reps claim there are hidden WMDs there and invade?

Of course. And then, even 6 years after it was confirmed that no such weapons existed, they'd still be talking about them as if it were true.If Hawaii discovered it had huge oil reserves, would the Reps claim there are hidden WMDs there and invade?
Wow that's brilliant. Did you think that up yourself or do you have a team of monkeys working around the clock on this stuff.

We already know there are huge oil reserves in Alaska and the Gulf Coast, have we invaded there, genius?

How is that you don't swallow your tongue when you sleep?If Hawaii discovered it had huge oil reserves, would the Reps claim there are hidden WMDs there and invade?
Do you know that when it rains a turkey will look up to see where the water is coming from and they end up drowning themselves?. The kinda have the common sense of a book smart college student who only knows they are smart by the grade on the test , now go play in the rain.
hawaii is a part of the united states of america.

edit- how do you know who is a republican or not? i reviewed the answers and not one of them stated what political party they were a member of.
Hawaii is already a part of the United States, we wouldn't have to invade it to get the oil. I don't understand your question.
You have just shown your knowledge of the world Hawaii is a state and to think your the smartist of all the liberals

Little kids do that ''I know it all the time I was just testing you''
If Hawaii discovered it had huge oil reserves, and gas prices were $4.50 a gallon, would the Dems claim no one could drill there because their is a snail there that might be endangered?
No. Hawaii's a State.

But they would plan a multi-trillion dollar pipeline and rig the bid so that Haliburton got the contract.
You mean invading their own country? Maybe. Dubya thinks that border relations between Canada and Mexico are good.
Umm... Hawaii is one of the states of our union already. Wow! Obama supporters really ARE uninformed.
We'd want to drill, but you wacko environmentalists and democrats would rather be held hostage by the Iranian President.

Not intelligent or funny.

But thanks for playing...
Invading your own country does not make sense considering we already own it and if they had weopons of mass destruction it would not be used against us.
No. They'd go drill it.

No worse than Obama claiming there were 57 states, and he was born in one of them and thought it wasn't a state.
that has got to be the most .......... question i have ever been asked, WHAT are you saying, come one get real. Oh my how ............
Name it and claim it!
I wouldn't be surprised.
A WMD was found there. Obama. LOL!
Go read a book

Do you agree that congress better open up some oil reserves?

pretty soon like ANWAR and the offshore doesnt matter that it may not fix the probelm...with hungry families using food money to pay for gas to go to work,anyone in congress that wont allow ANY oil we have to be drilled wont be in office very Pelosi give it up or leave in disgrace?Do you agree that congress better open up some oil reserves?
they better open them up only if they want to stay in office...I give it 6 months before they throw the tree huggers to the wolvesDo you agree that congress better open up some oil reserves?
Only if the country is completely full of idiots.

It would take a decade to get any gas out of ANWR. And it wouldn't be enough to make any difference in the price. And the only benefit would be to the oil companies, who would have it to sell at even higher prices.

And when all the domestic reserves are gone, burned up by spoiled, gluttonous morons who think the founding fathers fought so they could commute fifty miles a day to McDonald's in an SUV, then the US can think about what they're going to run their army on, when it comes down to that.
i think they should relinquish the power completely. it isnt their land to begin with. And most Alaskans want us to start drilling. its ludicrous that we are the most resource abundant nation on the planet, and we're letting half-witted Socialist hacks keep us from using what we've got.

I wanted to puke when I heard that raving B! Maxine Waters slip up and try to cover up what she almost said about ';socializing'; the oil industry!!!!!

';What was that frau Waters? We need to socialize private industries and invade Poland you say?';
The oil is there for emergencies. $4 gas is not an emergency. Pain in the butt, yes. But emergency? No. All of the infrastructure is still intact. Pumps are still pumping. Supply is still coming.

What if a nuclear war started, or an asteroid hit? We'd need that oil, BAD.

Gas is almost $10 per gallon in Europe.

When adjusted for inflation, gas is about the same price now as it was in the 1920s. Relatively speaking, gas isn't that expensive... we've just been paying unrealistically low prices for many years.
Considering they just voted no on it in the last week i think your crying in the wind. BTW the Republicans hardly made a whimper over it.. They believe they are beaten already and dont want to make the media mad. Its gonna be a rough four years.
Lets put that bi__h on an oil rig, and see how she likes it, she is a true disgrace to the people of the USA!!!! how in hell did she get in anyway!! I do not know one person that likes her!!! or thinks she has ever!! done any thing worth while
They should definitely. We need to be drilling on our own land. The people who don't want to drill there are far outnumbered by people who DO.

Congress shouldn't have the power to tell private industries where they can and can't drill.
To the guy who said $4 a gallon gas isnt bad, just a pain..

I make 1,400 dollars a week, and $900 goes to gas. In 2002 it was only $120

yes I agree....people arent hungry enough yet to start throwing liberals in the fire but it wont be long....I want to light pelosi's fire myself....
America needs to stop giving money to these country's who are charging us so much for oil or up the price on anything we send them. Yes lets drill for our oil in our own country.
The liberal who will drill for oil build nuke plants and protect our borders will get my vote
  • sunscreen
  • How long will the world's oil reserves last?

    It depends on where you live such as with Australia (my home), it is estimated 100-350 years, but since we have a huge natural gas tank off the north-west coast of WA, and will soon be moving onto nuclear power within 15 years, we may never run out, but this is unlikely since we do make alot of money for selling it to China.How long will the world's oil reserves last?
    Every petroleum engineering professor tells me the same thing.

    We don't know.How long will the world's oil reserves last?
    not long enough
    Probably another two weeks.
    There are alot of estimates that put the worlds reserves around 30 years.

    These estimates usually don't take into account new technology that helps us to recover more oil from conventional sources, and also new technology that makes production from unconventional sources possible.

    Also there are some resources that can't be exploited in the next 30 years. Canadas oil sand for instance are so large, that the investment in infrastructure that would be needed to get at the oil isn't possible to build in the next 30 years.

    So I would take 30 years as a base and then add 20% for new technology. Then I would realize that even if we get down to 10% of the oil left in the world we are effectively out of oil because we use so much just to get it out of the ground.

    So my best guess is 30 years, with Canada and Venezula still having oil sands left. Thats it though, then we are all living on hydrogen power.

    What will jet planes use when the earths oil reserves are used up?

    As stupid as this will sound it is possible to turn water into fuel.H2O hydrogen and oxygen can be split then all you need is heat which can be obtained through compression. An Australian invented a car that could be run on water back in the 70's. I don't know how (otherwise i would be very rich) it is done but it is possible to do.Obviously no government will allow it 'cos if we can get free fuel they can't tax it.What will jet planes use when the earths oil reserves are used up?
    Well nuclear is impractical, i would say something like hydrogen, alchohal, methane, something like that. Hydrogen would be awsome as it's exhaust is water!What will jet planes use when the earths oil reserves are used up?
    I would guess a nice little nuclear power unit.
    I would imagine some chemical concoction will be made. Using Alchol and hydrogen peroxide. this is expensive but when you have nothing else what are you going to do? There is the possibility the propeller will make a come back as they could be run on fuel cells powering electric motors that turn the props. Most airliners cruise at 500 Knts. This is well within the performance range of the new props developed by NASA. The new props are very noisy but work and are fuel efficient not that it would make a difference on a fuel cell powered plane.
    Air or water or Solar Energy. HOPEFULLY!!!
    Hydrogen if they can produce it in enough quantity. It is far more efficient than oil (higher specific impulse, being technical) and does not pollute
    The NB-36 was not powered by nuke reactor. It was a test plane to see the reaction of insurmentation to radiation. I believe that we will not run out of oil in the lifetimes of our great grand kids.
    wind power
    Bio Ethanol which is being tested by the USAF on a B52
    currently jet planes uses a fuel of JP4 or JP5. this is a fuel that is similar to kerosine. The bio diesel may make a good substitute.
    they would fall out of the sky
    NOTHING, the oil reserves will not dry up in out lifetime. plus there is all that oil in alaska that is as of yet un tapped
    they can run on LPG.
    I'm gonna go out on a limb here, but years of working as an aircraft mechanic has taught me that jet's will basically run on about anything that you can pump through their fuel systems that will burn.

    The engines from the Gulfstream IV were only run on natural gas before being attached to the airframe to make an airshow 20 or so years ago. The key right now, to getting better performance out of turbine engines is in the metallurgy of the hot section of the engine, the section where fuel is injected into the combustion liners and ignited.

    In the operating handbook of most turbine aircraft, you'll find a list of the various things it will run satisfactorily on in an emergency; ranging from automotive gasoline and avgas, to diesel, home heating oil, generic kerosene, etc, pretty much anything flammable. They're frequently placarded at the refueling doors as being able to operate on anything from JP3-JP8, Jet A, Jet A-1, and Jet B, (a much older fuel consisting of aviation kerosene cut with gasoline.)

    One powered by vegetable oil cut with something to reduce gelling and entrained water is not unfathomable and neither is ethanol.

    I read about a plant, 18 or 19 years ago, that when pressed, will produce an oil that will run diesel engines. Diesel and Jet A, being largely interchangeable for ground operations, this poses an interesting thought for a cash crop.

    Fly the friendly skies!
    cooking oil could be a possibility, from fast food joints
    Research is already underway across the globe working on alternative source of energy like Nuclear, Hydro and Cell Fuel etc.

    When the time nears ( in quite a few years to come) the jet plane engine manufacturers will start adapting for the new fuel(s) sources............... If not, we will be going back to travelling by boats and steam engine trains. :o)
    That will be so far in the future that jet planes (at least as we know them) will be found only in museums and collections.

    Edit: BTW research has already been done in the 1950's with nuclear-powered aircraft (NB-36 et al).
    At first, the Air Forces will turn to SCRAM jets, but unfortunately, there is no escaping the fact that if we want to carry on living the life we do, then nuclear power is something that we simply cannot, and will not, ignore for long. There is already talk of secret US military research into nuclear powered jets. Freaky! God help us!
    Hydrogen is out because the required energy density is not available; the fuel tanks required would be too big to be economically viable to push the aircraft through the air. Ethanol is a bad choice because it's heavier by the gallon then gasoline and jet fuel, and it has less energy, so you need more of it. Biodiesel is a plausible choice, but it's not necessarily a good thing to make the entire surface of the earth a fuel farm; look at the problems in indonesia from palm oil production. Right now, liquified coal appears to be a good choice; the USAF is doing tests on it right now. There's still a lot of coal available.
    solar power nuclear power lab generated fuel possibly?
    Cooking oil! After all jets run on basically a refined form of diesel fuel, and they are trying cooking oil in diesel cars, it only makes sense that McDonald's will be selling its used oil to the airlines.
    i guess it will be called av_ _ _

    AS IT IS CALLED AVGAS OR AVTUR ata the moment

    What if you were the leader of a poor country and you found you had millions of oil reserves underneath?

    What would you rate it on a scale of 1-5? And why?What if you were the leader of a poor country and you found you had millions of oil reserves underneath?
    I'd order drilling through my Grandmother's flower garden if it meant I could produce reveniew and grow industry for my fellow countrymen.

    The bottom line, is that ';GOOD'; business decisions are GOOD for all. [';Cooking'; the accounting books to appear to be profitable is not good business. Raping the company cash for lavish lifestyles and ridiculous bonuses is not good business.]

    I think every publicly traded company CEO should be paid $1 per year. the remainder of their compensation should be based on the company performance.What if you were the leader of a poor country and you found you had millions of oil reserves underneath?
    I'd drill baby drill and become a rich country.

    What does the world now look like and what is the future with the oil reserves dwindling?

    It looks like a backfire on Environmentalists. Save a Caribou, starve a nation.What does the world now look like and what is the future with the oil reserves dwindling?
    the fact is we need to drill in Alaska and Offshore,even if new fuel come along. Theire is going to be a long transition period and oil can be taken enviornmentaly safley. The dems better realize that we need to drill, we have foreign countries drilling off our own coast, but yet we can't? How stupid is this. We also need to start a nuclear program, there is no longer any choice.What does the world now look like and what is the future with the oil reserves dwindling?
    It s going to be like Mad Max, we will probably go to war over the remaining oil, somebody will start launching off nuclear weapons, and then whoever is left will still be fighting over oil.
    the future is a bicycle . . start learning how to peddle :)
    A big blue marble

    I can't see the future, and neither can anyone else.

    How long can the World Oil Reserves last? (show calculations for it)?

    How long can the World Oil Reserves last?

    Recently there is an escalation of the world oil price due to many contributing factors; one of which is the concern of the shortage of oil reserves.

    The known world crude oil reserves in 1976 were estimated to be75, 000 million metric tons. The amount of oil consumed worldwide in 1976 was 2,800,000 thousand metric tons. Estimate the year the world oil supply will be depletedHow long can the World Oil Reserves last? (show calculations for it)?

    This year, global demand for oil — currently at more than 80 million barrels per day and climbing — has come closer than ever to exceeding the world’s known production capacity.

    no one can really estiamte how much oil is left because more are foundHow long can the World Oil Reserves last? (show calculations for it)?
    nobody knows and if they did they wont tell you me or anyone. its a secret.
    As long as its after I'm dead I don't give a sh!t,,,,
    If anyone could answer that question, they wouldn't answer it here. The answer would make them very, very rich.

    What we do know is that the increase in new oil found every year is less than the increase in new demand for oil. Oil won't ever run out, but it will get more expensive until other alternatives look better.

    Cost and global warming are both factors in that.
    Actually the shortage of oil reserves is not a contributing factor to the high oil price, its the output of oil per day which has more influence. For instance, Iraq has the 5th largest output of oil but since Bush invaded oil output has drastically reduced in the country. Oil prices are more in tune with political climates than its avalibility in the natural state.

    When 9/11 happened the oil price went up, when Bush invaded Iraq the oil price went up, when Isreal attacked Lebannon the oil price when up, when the US decided that it was going to build a anti missile unit in Poland, the oil price went up. America is an importer of oil; in other words it relies heavily on other countries to supply it with the oil it needs, the UK is both importer and exporter but Russia, Middle East and all those countries that America have 'issues' with are all exporters.

    New reserves of oil are being found on a daily basis, some with life expectancies of 10years, some with more, some with less. The increase in technological advances have allowed us to increase production of oil but the ability to drill for it in the first place is governed by world politics.

    The amount that is left, who knows, many areas of the planet have yet to be discovered and explored so your guess is as good as mine in this instance.

    Now that Brazil has discovered shed loads of oil reserves?

    Do you think it would be a good idea, for the US to invade, to make sure they have a really good system of democracy?Now that Brazil has discovered shed loads of oil reserves?
    That is funny.. I didn't expect it! LOLNow that Brazil has discovered shed loads of oil reserves?
    The US's history of invasion is pretty miserable. Maybe they should just work a little harder and buy the oil from Brazil. And what has democracy (whatever that means) got to do with oil?

    Thinking about it, perhaps they should....
    Funny, I was watching Robocop 3 last night, and there was an oblique reference to troops returning 'from the blazing forests of the Amazon war'. Prophetic, perhaps?
    THe Americans should mind their own business, all told they must be the most selfish people on the planet if that is typical thought fron a Yank.
    No need to in the case at the moment, the CIA has the country well under control - by the back door of course.
    Now that oil can be extracted from Brazil, watch out Bush will learn Portuguese. Maybe he will speak that better than his attempts at English.
    LOL.....But if it's true, I want a link!!
    I will invade but not with tanks and guns but with petron and rubbers. Brazil rules!
    Invade may be old fashioned and gets too much media covereage. The US may well have puppet leaders in Brazil already and if they don't, they will soon have.
    Idiot Bush!

    Bush and his family bussiness!

    Oh my beautiful South America!
    Who do think is getting that oil out of the ground for them? U.S. oil companies....
    Lol. Sure...
    O K lets roll Can we do a drive by on that motor month above me?
  • sunscreen
  • Question about oil reserves used for fuel and heating?

    If world governments decided to conserve oil reserves by using them only for fuel and heating, what effect would this have on our society?

    Will the War on Drugs be used to get ahold of the oil reserves in South America?

    No. Perhaps the next administration will end the war on drugs and the war in Iraq and use that money for research and finding new sources of energy.Will the War on Drugs be used to get ahold of the oil reserves in South America?
    GET a grip.Drugs and oil have different issues.Stop dreaming up this outrages ideas in your little mind.Take your medicine.

    Just who has the most oil reserves in the world. The whole of the American continent or the OPEC nations.?

    I read somewhere that Canada has been processing newly found deposits reserves of 2.5 Trillion barrels in the Alberta Sands, which is eight times more than the OPEC countries put together.

    Not to miss out on the untapted recerves of Calorado USA that has recently been found.

    Why is the oil so costly on the world market to buy.

    Who is making billions out of the consumers.

    In 2004 the cost of production for Alberta Oil Sands was at $29.63 US and has a production cost of only $13.21 in 2007.

    Some of the major Oil Companies missed the boat on this discovery and are now paying $60 per barrel of oil.

    So if the actual production costs are that low for Canada. Why is the cost of oil so expensive to buy from the OPEC countries.

    Let's face it they don't pay the same too their workers as in Western countries do they.Just who has the most oil reserves in the world. The whole of the American continent or the OPEC nations.?
    Good question, i always thought the sands were too hard to harvestJust who has the most oil reserves in the world. The whole of the American continent or the OPEC nations.?
    I am pretty sure OPEC got more oil than US+Canada.

    US is saving it's own oil b/c it want sto have reserves in case war breaks out and imports stop, or Arabs decide to stop selling oil to the west.

    In a sense, US oil reserves prevent arabs from trying to increase the price further.
    Alberta's estimated oil reserves was raised from total conventional oil reserves of around 5 gigabarrels (billion barrels) to the much larger figure of around 180 gigabarrels by the inclusion of the Athabasca Oil Sands deposit by the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (AEUB), placing Canada second only to Saudi Arabia.

    US' proven oil reserves declined to a little more than 21 gigabarrels by the end of 2004 according to the Energy Information Administration, a 46% decline from the 39 gigabarrels it had in 1970 when the huge Alaska North Slope ('ANS') reserves were booked.

    Saudi Arabia had 250 gigabarrels, so more than US and Canada together, and so the OPEC has more oil.

    Who began the exploit of Middle East oil reserves?

    In the very beginning, who was it that founded these massive reserves?Who began the exploit of Middle East oil reserves?
    shell oil.Who began the exploit of Middle East oil reserves?
    I think it was British Petroleum, [BP].

    Then an Englishman, Lawrence, helped the Arabs to unite, so they would get more money for their oil.

    He dressed like an Arab %26amp; was known as ';Lawrence of Arabia';.

    If every country has oil reserves of 500 or more years why is evryone worried about running out?

    ...everything is going to change as time goes on anyway isn't it?If every country has oil reserves of 500 or more years why is evryone worried about running out?
    it's all a scam, there is no supply issues, the demand is down because of the price, yet the price goes up and not down at the pump

    weird huh?

    high supply, smaller demand, i all ways thought that makes the price go down

    o well, you'll all soon see what this is really about,

    open your blind eyeIf every country has oil reserves of 500 or more years why is evryone worried about running out?
    The problem is: Can you and I buy oil wells and refineries? If we did, could we compete with the enormous conglomerates? No.

    We can, however, realize the oddity of an addiction to a substance that no one ever needed until a century ago (after about 4,000 of well-recorded history).

    We can ACT on that realization by working together to treat that addiction and, in a short time, have NON-finite resources that can NOT be manipulated by entities with no legal liability to represent us - that's a form of ';taxation'; without representation.

    Please cite the '500+ years' claim. Seems a little out of touch.

    Because that total --- if it is right --- does run dry and the easy oil will become gone far before the 500 years

    .. .. ..

    And the population of the planet earth will continue to multiply at a rate that the food supply will run out before the oil will

    .. .. ..

    The satisfactory food supply will run out in only 20 - 30 years from today

    .. .. ..
    It is all about $$$ they want to most money out of it in the least possible time..

    Who cares how much they make 100 years from now, they want their money in their lifetime to spend it.
    Because that's what we've been told. Over and over. Even though there are huge finds of more oil every year.

    Why are people so cynical about wars started because of oil reserves?

    Liberals knock Dubya for going to Iraq for the oil but if third world countries are going to hold the West to ransom, what are western governments supposed to do?!?Why are people so cynical about wars started because of oil reserves?
    People are not cynical because the Bush administration went to war over oil, but because they claimed they were going to war for other, nobler, reasons, e.g., removing the ';threat'; of Saddam Hussein and his (nonexistent) WMDs, removing a brutal dictator from power, ';freeing'; the Iraqi people, etc. If Bush, et al., had simply said that control of Iraqi oil was a major reason for launching the invasion, there would still have been a reason for outrage at naked agression, but there would have been no reason for cynicism.

    And how exactly is it that the ';third world countries'; are ';hold[ing] the West to ransom?'; They have a commodity that other people need and they make money from selling that commodity. Isn't that the essence of capitalism? Or is it only acceptable when the wealthy and powerful countries are exploiting the natural resources of the poor and weak ones?

    The oil-rich countries are not responsible for the current high price of oil, and by extension gasoline. That is the fault of rampant speculation by people in capitalist countries, as well as the falling value of the dollar, which is the standard of valuation on the world oil market. And one of the big reasons for the falling value of the dollar is the tremendous debt racked up by the Bush administration, which has been borrowing money like there was no tomorrow from various countries, particularly China, to finance its ';War on Terror.';

    Edit: Well, now I see that I should have just left it up to Hiram and Wild Man. Looks like they've pretty well nailed it (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more)Why are people so cynical about wars started because of oil reserves?
    Hiram-G what a man.People are so cynical because they are not aware of the impending disaster that awaits them.Insulated and isolated in the marshmallow effect of the 1st world they blindly board the titanic to it's rendezvous with the ice berg never realising that this time there are no life boats at hand.In the old days before the advent of modern communications a powerful world leader just planned up an invasion and implemented genocide to create living space and utilise that countries natural resources.

    It can't be done now.So you have 2 powerful forces at loggerheads with each other,each maintaining a stance:political materialist freedom loving democratic christian West against:religious Islamist jihadist oppressive patriarchial Middle East.One has what we need here to keep our materialist society running and when money becomes worthless there lies the problem because it's the Saudi Arabians who are the Capitalists hiding behind Islam.We need to invade Saudi Arabia because if we don't and the fundamentalist do then we are in trouble and the fundamentalists are winning the propaganda war with the enemy within.The PC brigade.The fascist libertarians like Chakrabarti and the media who shout freedom of speech whilst giving killers a platform for their message of hate.We can deport those that do us harm.We can tell people not to put themselves at risk by visiting the Middle East.A religion that denies equality for women is not a religion and the women in these countries need to be liberated.War is war and it is horrible but tough choices have to be made.I'm no fascist I'm a realist and democracy has lost it's place.We can search for alternative sources of fuel but at the present moment that won't work or we can learn to live differently by changing how we live and become sufficient in our needs instead of our wants.No matter what blood and it will be innocent blood will be spilled before we waken up and thats the shame in all this and rather than recognize this truth we seek shelter in our illusions and cynicism.
    We have enough oil. We have more than enough oil already.

    The prices are going up due to speculators and the international corporations lust for increasing profits. They have no obligation to the U.S, they buy the lease for our oil rights and do what they want to make money, the same as they do to every other country they can.

    There is no shortage of supply yet. There is an abundance, they are pumping more than can be spent. The majority of oil reserves are left untapped still.

    This is all about personal gain, and nothing to do with gain for the ';average joe.'; I suppose that is the answer?
    Look in the real world.

    Can even trace it back in TV newsreels.

    No one mess around with God.

    Matt 22.32

    In messing up God's natural assets.

    For the good of mankind.

    In making this world a better place to live.

    Exodus 19.5

    Even the King with the largest reserve.

    Dare not squeak.

    Only Judas were great over a one man's dreams in kicking the butts of God in not woirshiping God.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    As king midas with the golden touch with '; Over my dead body'; since all the oil belongs to their community with cheap-skate ghostly stories on tribe with non-existence rights of original descendant.

    Luke 3-.7-9

    Getting himself kick on the butts with '; Charge of the light calvary';

    Revealation 16.14

    Poor Humpty Dumpty sitting on the high wall.

    Luuke 8.10, 17

    What do you think?
    clockneko said it like it is. We are being conned and bled dry with the full knowledge and blessing of our governments.

    We have reached the end of the age of democracy and fair play and are swiftly ushering in the end of freedom and privacy.

    Say what's on your mind now folks, your thoughts will soon be illegal after all!
    oil is limited on earth and this is our responsibility to save it for our children's so if there is band on bike %26amp; people have to travel through bus or by cycle i.e run without oil be have to use as possible as.
    I hope he doesn't see Canada as his next target--that S.O.B. scares the hell out of me! And, apparently we've got lots of oil and ';weapons of mass destruction';.
    So what happens when there is no oil and the US can not fly them B52 bombers to murder people for oil! They going to attack third world countries for camels?
    possibly killing innocent people isn't the answer...
    make all cars run on hydrogen
    It is a very simple calculation!

    We cut Trees ==%26gt; we decrease OXYGEN production

    We burn Fossile Fuel ==%26gt; We INCREASE Oxygen demand.

    At some stagen it will be like Venus, a RUNNAWAY GREENHOUSE EFFECT.

    We MUST STOP it before it is to late.

    So Who and Why NWO?

    Forget what you think you know because it is all a lie.

    Thousands of years misseducation, Lies and Tyranny from the Churches and Slavery from the Aristocrazy.

    Who are they, where do they come from?

    Well we have to go back and forh in Time.

    14.400 Years ago when in our evolution something happened, a sharp rise and 21 December 2012 when the same thing happens again.

    I am speaking of the alignement of our solarsystem to the center of the ';Multiverse';.

    By then we will see a wandering planet who Zacharia Stitchin calls ';Nibiru';.

    This Planet has a 3.600 year Rotation Cycle around the Sun.

    3.600 = 60x60 (Seconds in an Hour) 360 Degrees 360 Days

    That is No Coincidence!

    Take a good look at OUR HISTORY.

    I is an History of WAR.



    When you are a ';FREEMASON'; then most them stop at the third degree, unaware that there exist higher degrees up to the 33rd Degree in two different Paths:

    The ';YORK RITE'; and the ';SCOTTISH RITE';

    At the 33rd Degree Ritual they are asked: ';Do you beleive in Jesus?';.

    If they answer :YES they hear ==%26gt; ';Your Journey comes to an end, You completed the circle';.

    If they answer :NO they hear ==%26gt; ';There is a Higher Path waiting for you. Are you willing to step above?';

    This higher path is called: ';THE ORDER OF THE ILLUMINATI';

    Contrary to what people think it means, here is a detailed explanation.



    And you ONLY get in this club if you have BLUE BLOOD in your Veins.

    Get it? Blue Blood, NOT RED!

    Whatever it is really blue doesn't matter but it is an indicator of BIG Difference between US and THEM!

    They, the ';Ruling Class'; KILL US, STARVE US, USE US, ENSLAVE US, BETRAY US.

    They do everything to make our live miserable and WE PAY FOR IT!

    So where does this ';BLUE BLOOD'; come from?

    It is ALIEN ORIGIN, that's for sure!

    But how and from which planet?

    To understand this you must understand that life exists as energy alone.

    Why is that?

    Because LIFE IS AN ENERGY.

    And it comes from the one place all energy comes from, from the Sun.

    All life is a manifestation of this energy in one form and another.



    If one looks closely at Sunspots one finds that it has an outer ';SHELL'; of energy and an inside.

    It is exacly like an egg in characteristics.

    Furthermore it ';TAKES ENERGY IN'; that is indicated by the cooler temperatures that make a Sunspot appear darker then it's surroundings.

    Again we have the characteristics of an Egg that takes the warmth of the sun or the mother to grow.

    Sunspots have a 12 Year cicle from No to High Acivity.

    This is their incubation Time.

    From Fertilization to Birth.

    Our Incubation Time is 9 months, others come in all different ranges.

    This Twelve Year Cicle is manifested in Astrology and in the Chinese Zodiac.

    It is on how much influence they have over us.



    Now connect the Dots between the ORDER OF THE ILLUMINATI and the SUN.

    LUCIFER ==%26gt; Latin: ';The Light Bearer'; another Word for the Sun.

    The CULT OF AEON ==%26gt; AEON ==%26gt; THE SUN







    We use only 20% of our menal capacity because we only use one of our senses,

    the eyes ==%26gt; Hence the ';All seeing eye';.

    Furthermore everything we do is mathematical.

    Language is a mathematical concept, so is money, time, everything.


    They learn the easy way, the way to use people, ';GOYIM';

    They learn simpler and learn more because they are richer because they live of us.


  • sunscreen
  • What will happen with gold prices when oil reserves dry out?

    Since gold is so dependant on oil prices, will gold prices go up or down once energy is not dependant upon oil reserves?What will happen with gold prices when oil reserves dry out?
    Gold is generally a hedge against inflation and uncertain times. Oil prices have been inflationary and the area of the world where most of the oil reserves are located has often been politically unstable.

    The inflationary pressures would ease some but the political instability will still remain. Other world issues might take up the slack in the ';uncertain times'; category and assuming the replacement source for energy is going to be readily available to everyone I would guess gold prices would come down some.What will happen with gold prices when oil reserves dry out?

    My guess is it would go up, thats if you beleave oil will dry up.

    I personally think oil is a natural substance of the earth, like water.
    Gold, like oil is finite. I suspect that when all of the oil has been recovered, gold won't be far behind in that regard.

    But, the business of predicting isn't an easy one. Many unforeseen and random factors can have an influence on any prediction. The global community depends heavily upon oil for virtually everything -- including food. The first thing that will happen when the oil begins to run out is that many will starve to death. The global population will drastically shrink. One of the unspoken facets regarding capitalism, is that capitalism requires constant economic growth to succeed. Economic growth requires a growing population. This suggests that the end of oil will usher in a massive decline in population. The population decline will usher in a massive depression. Massive depression will usher in social revolution.

    So the conclusion is, who the hell knows? The law of supply and demand suggests that as gold supply declines, prices should go up. On the other hand, the decline in oil will usher a global depression suggesting a decline in the price of gold. Social revolution could make this entire thought experiment a moot point.
    This is a good question.

    Actually, you are quite right, the price of gold is, in part, dependendent upon the price of crude, but also upon currency rates, proven reserves, world political situation, etc.

    If a huge discovery would be unveiled, then the price of gold would drop. The same would happen if IMF would (as they say they would) start selling at least part of their bullion.

    The price of crude is reflected in the price of gold (and other metals) because of the physical production process - i.e. taking big rocks and breaking them into very small rocks. Most machines used in mining operations are diesel-powered, and thus consuming huge quantities of diesel fuel.

    However, electricity can be used in the future to accomplish the same goal. It just depends.

    Also, keep in mind that it is unlikely that the world's oil supplies will dry out during our lifetimes. There is, still, a lot of oil in the world. Venezuela sits on oil reserves bigger than Saudi Arabia. The problem is, the oil is heavy, sulfurized, and difficult to transport. But if the price climbs high enough, these deposits become economically viable.

    The same happened with Canada's tar sands. With oil at $18/barrel (yes, Virginia, it is true..) it was uneconomical to exploit this resource. With oil at $60 / barrel, the enterprise makes around $20 profit per barrel.

    And let's not mention the natural gas reserves...

    Currency valuations are also important since both the price of crude and the price of gold are denominated, mostly, in USDollars. As the Treasury is devaluing the USD more and more (in order to pay for wars - higher taxation is highly unpallatable), the price of all commodities increase as to reflect their true value.

    So, you see, gold is a reflection of the value of oil and oil is a reflection of the value of energy.

    It is a very complex situation. I wrote a neural network program that could predict the price of gold one or two days in the future, based upon very large amounts of data, Beyond that, the prediction breaks down very fast.

    In a nutshell, it is difficult to give a concrete answer. It is a complex question, and complex questions have complex answers.
    It will take at least 300 years for oil to deplete.

    Anything can happen in such a long time-frame.

    While logic says scarce oil will mean high prices for gold due to inflation, it also may be an scenario with such an economic depression (not just recession), that all commodities -including gold- will sell lower because nobody can afford them at any price, as happened in 1929.

    It is also possible that gold producing countires improve their technologies in 300 years, and new supplies are found, therefore a lower price. Be aware that gold is cheaper now, relative to average incomes, than it was 100 or 300 years ago, when only kings could afford them.

    Is it possible emptying all those oil reserves could cause land to sink or even earth quakes?

    Sinking, conceivably. Some degree of subsidence could be detected at surface level, even though oil is usually quite deep. There are cases where subsidence was caused by excessive pumping of the water table.

    Earthquakes: perhaps a minor tremor from a cave-in deep in the earth, but a major quake, no.Is it possible emptying all those oil reserves could cause land to sink or even earth quakes?
    No.Is it possible emptying all those oil reserves could cause land to sink or even earth quakes?
    no because the land above the reserves push down at the rate of the oil being pulled up... so no
    Sure even though they are supposed to inject saltwater to fill um up after but oil is lighter than water.

    Which country has the highest oil reserves?

    Saudi Arabia is the largest producer of oil. Does it also have the highest reserves?Which country has the highest oil reserves?
    Oil reserves refer to portions of oil in place that are economically recoverable.

    The country that has the highest oil reserves is Saudi Arabia, followed by Canada, Iran, Iraq.Which country has the highest oil reserves?
    It is probably Russia, they are the only country that is still constantly uncovering new fields, and many have not been calculated
    Highest reserves are with Russia and Latin American countries like Venezuela.

    But, make sure you do not say it loud. Mr. Bush may invade those countries too. :)
    yes, it's saudi arabia again by a very large margin…
    Saudi Arabia, I think.
    If you are doing this for a report, a great online resource is The Society of Petroleum Engineers (

    Saudi Arabia has the highest reserve with apprx 261.9 billion barrels (includes half of Divided/';Neutral'; Zone) on reserve and they produce

    10.9 million barrels per day (bbl/d), of which 9.6 million bbl/d was crude oil, 1.2 million bbl/d was natural gas liquids (NGLs), and 80,000 bbl/d was ';other liquids';

    Do you think there is oil reserves in the North Pole? If there is, who has rights to it?

    I just read that for the first time in history the north pole will have open waters where ships can go through. All throughout history its been know to not have land, but a solid mass of ice. Each year the ice has become thinner and thinner through the southern months. What happens when there is no more ice at the north pole? Is it worth fighting for if it ever comes to that?Do you think there is oil reserves in the North Pole? If there is, who has rights to it?
    There are oil reserves around the frozen areas of the arctic circle. Russia has fairly recently been making a point of trying to claim that the area falls inside their territorial waters, even going to the length of sending a submarine to plant a Russian flag on the seafloor.

    Is it worth fighting for? depends. In order to extract anything the area would ideally have to be ice free the whole year round so it's not likely for a while. I would say not but that doesn't necessarily mean people won't.Do you think there is oil reserves in the North Pole? If there is, who has rights to it?
    No way is it worth fighting for. Just like the other oceans and resources, it should be everyones. Who ever can promise and deliver the cleanest, most efficient way of removing the oil. But only if we have to.

    Why does the US not go into our oil reserves?

    If we trully went into our oil reserves, I mean, couldn't we drop prices by about a dollar or more a gallon?

    I don't know, but I do know that if the answer is because we don't want to use all our oil, it seems to me like we're not going to be using it for too much longer so we may as well use it sooner.Why does the US not go into our oil reserves?
    Theres no oil shortage., for starters half of the oil price is because we have allowed the dollar to fall in value and oil is traded in dollars so for the foreign producer to make the same amount of profit he has to charge double since we are now giving him dollars worth half as much.

    other items influencing price is: much of the worlds oil flows out of the persian gulf so war in the north (Iraq, plus its diminished supply), and tension with Iran, makes the area more unstable which means higher shipping costs (higher insurance costs on the ships). Then expanding economies like in China, India ect. further add to the price,. But one of the US big problems is through the mergers of oil companies that mass amounts of refinery capacity has been shut down, so WE have a problem producing the products we need, ie Gasoline, oh and since its almost Summer this is when they choose to shut the refineries we do still have down for maintenance, and you can be sure that in June when they are suppose to be back on-line, to meet the summer demand, they will have a problem, delaying them getting back online so we will see a big spike in prices for the 4th of July.

    Oh but back to oil prices: Todays News:

    Strike in Scotland closes major North Sea oil pipeline

    So wait to see what the oil market does on Monday!Why does the US not go into our oil reserves?
    It is a matter of investment. Also if oil prices are cut off, it affects price of every other commodity and leads to Govt dysfunctions. But US can save the fuel underneath for future.
    I hope you are not buying all the government lies ; common '';' theres no shortage of oil ; its just a gimmick for filling up the government coffers

    How long does the oil reserves in the world lasts?

    There's four times more discovered oil in the ground not being used than this is in currently being drilled.

    There's enough oil in the United States that if it were all drilled we wouldn't need to import any oil from anyone.

    Next time you see some ******** liberal be sure to thank them for the $3 per gallon gas.How long does the oil reserves in the world lasts?
    Estimate coal is about 1 trillion tons, which is about 30 X 10^21 joules 30,000 exajoules of power. This is estimated to be enough for at least a century, and perhaps more.

    Estimated oil is about 1 trillion barrels, which is about or 6500 exajoules of power-this will start getting pretty tight in the next 20-50 years

    Estimated natural gas is 150 trillion cubic meters, or about 6000 exajoules-this is the hardest to estimate, since not as much work has gone into finding natural gas fields-this will be increasingly more important as a replacement for oil, but is more expensive to transport and store. If the low estimate given is correct, it should last sometime beyond 50 years.How long does the oil reserves in the world lasts?
    They last as long as the world allows them to last. Oil is in limited supply so it wont last forever. Thats why we are4 looking for other fuel alternatives!!!
    No one really knows, there are probably oil fields no one knows about. Our oil fields may already be depleting. We rely on core samples and readings to tell us about something we can't even see.
    The world's oil reserves are limited to 50 or 100 years, maybe less. But to this time other alternative energy sources will be developed and use of petroleum in some areas will be replaced with other alternates.
    70 years for US
    that is impossible to know if you are talking about the world
  • sunscreen
  • How big are our US Oil reserves in Texas, California and Alaska ?

    We have located one oil reserve in Alaska that would fill all of America's needs for 40 years. The oil industry has bought off our government and that's why we don't drill.How big are our US Oil reserves in Texas, California and Alaska ?
    If the US developed every single deposit of oil present within the 50 states, we would still produce less than 10% of what we consume.

    Does that answer your question, or do you need something more specific?How big are our US Oil reserves in Texas, California and Alaska ?
    We have a MASSIVE deposit of shale oil around the green river area in Utah. Around 2 trillion barrels. The problem is that until oil prices start rising again the investment won't be worth it.
    Without the boring stats and mathematical jargon just the above mentioned states alone produce and stockpile enough to last 500 years. The U.S. will burn up all the Middle East supply before it touches its own.
    The Biggest ones are in Mexico, in the Gulf of Mexico area.

    Owned by PEMEX

    Would taking control of the oil reserves in Iran and Venezuela guarantee the USA a good future?

    If we have control of the oil in Mexico, Venezuela, Saudia Arabia, Iraq, Iran and Alaska plus control of the Russian pipeline running through Afghanistan and Yemen/Sudan supply route to China, would it mean the USA can remain as the sole superpower for another century?

    Would it be worth it, launching a simultaneous invasion of Iran and Venezuela?Would taking control of the oil reserves in Iran and Venezuela guarantee the USA a good future?
    no. The US needs to become oil independent else global warming destroy it.

    Alternative energies such as methane and methanol are the only option for the US to survive

    Also war doesn't leave a good moral legacy.

    That oil isn't being deprived it's being sold - the US oil companies own a huge chunk of it already.

    Why kill to have something you already have access to.

    It is a very sad legacy, imo. What is done is done though.

    We need to work as a team not all for 1 and we're '#1

    But we are in this together lets not bloody one another and lets stop pumping smog into Canada

    The US isn't a super power it is a desperate child. No amount of desperation and selfishness will change that. Regardless of how many depraved buddies and bullied subjects it has.

    Atleast that notion of the US is.

    Only Freedom and Cooperation will save America and let it be a member of the global community as a grown up state.

    We don't need more tyrants - tyranny is a form of infamy not super and not power - power is for results - the lack of results via tyranny will be destruction and waste of resources. Power is for creating something beneficial not for chaos - chaos is without control. Chaos is not an application but an underlying fundamental aspect of anarchy of the interaction of a community. Only reasonable cause for public benefit is going to maintain anything.

    All you are getting with that premise is misguided and goalless selfishness, barely aware of your own base of being outside your own existence.Would taking control of the oil reserves in Iran and Venezuela guarantee the USA a good future?
    Yes, that could be. Adolf Hitler also thought of the exactly the same thing in World War II. He wanted to capture the Baku oilfields of Russia in the Caucasus. This could have realized his dreams of a Thousand-Year Reich. But the Germans have to fight their way to the Caucasus through Stalingrad. And unfortunately, the Germans were defeated at Stalingrad. So, they were not able to take the Caucasus.
    Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but that oil doesn't belong to us. We wouldn't be any better than a putrid bunch of filthy pedophile rag heads who attack civilian targets because they come from a culture that to weak, stupid, and cowardice to attack military targets.

    Plus, fighting on that many fronts would be insane. Being the strongest nation in the world isn't enough to take the rest of it on; not by a long shot. The two or three strongest countries couldn't do it.

    Besides - who would protect South Korea from a full invasion from the North if we start re-allocating troops all over the globe? It sure as hell won't be China, Russia, or India.
    Yes, for the next 15 years.
    A lot of good it would us. We haven't built a refinery in over 30 years thanks to the '; environmentalists '; and do-gooders.

    We barely can refine what we have now.

    Besides Venezuela and Iran are both heading towards internal revolutions, and should collapse within 5 to 10 years anyway.
    You have a comic book idea of american power. The USA is in hock to China and has to take into account the reactions of other countries to its military adventures.

    The fiasco in Iraq has destroyed US credibility in the world.
    No, the military cost would be too great. We need to develop our own energy supplies and new energy sources. Just doing that would enable us to be the world's superpower for another 100 years.
    dumb question;

    lets invade everyone, take what they own, kill all during the process, ensure even more countries think US is arrogant and war mongers, but as long as we have ALL the oil it'll be worth it - how old are you 8 or 9?
    And how do you suppose we do that. As soon as one bomb drops on Iran all they have to do is light up there oil wells, and pour millions of gallons of oil in to the Persian gulf, and Caspian Sea. Also I will guarntee you we could not take out all of there artillary, and missiles before they struck oil facilities in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Same thing for Venzuala I am sure MR. Chavez would rather burn his oil fields then see the US get it.
    The US gets little oil from the middle east and not so much from Hugo that it cannot be replaced by Mr Putin and others.
    Regardless of what the uniformed may think,

    Oil is not the deciding factor on whether or not you're a superpower.

    Not only would that be horrbily lacking in any morals or ideals, it's 100% strategically unsound

    No matter how slow it is to get here, hybrid cars and solar power plants are coming, obsoleting oil.
    OMG......Bush cant even handle Iraq, your question is like totally stupid.
    This ';nomames'; dude is full of crap, women as sex slaves? you got issues. Oh and no i don't think it'll be the best thing to do, i dont think the U.S should keep messing with other countries just for oil, why can't the U.S just do what everyone else does and buy it from other countries? Why does the U.S thinks they can go and take control of things in other countries? Yes U.S is the one of the best country in the world but that doesn't mean it can go every where and try to take other countries stuff. Plus i don't think Chavez would let anyone mess with Venezuela haha so Good luck with that! the guy is nuts!!
    sure LETS DO IT!!
    Sure, if the 60-80 million people living on top of the oil didn't care. However, I think they just might.
    No, only war. Instead, why not look to our own resources: Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico. Scientists estimate that between the two, there is enough usable oil for the U.S. to be self-reliant for about 150 years. The problem is that tree-huggers are afraid that a few underground pipes are going to drive the Caribu into extinction and oil companies do not want to spend the money to build oil rigs in the ocean when we are getting it so cheap (yes we still have cheap oil compared to the rest of the world) from South America and Canada.
    It wouldn't guarantee us a good future, but it sure would feel good, jk. It would mean cheaper oil, that's all, and the P.R. pricetag would be too costly. We don't conquer countries because we want to exploit their resources -- we conquer them because they deserve it, like Iraq and Afghanistan. As of 7/30/07, we haven't gotten any free oil from either of them, but their governments are democratic now and their women have been emancipated.

    The U.N. would probably whine if we started taking over the world, anyway. Who wants to hear more of their whining?
    yes we would have a great futre.

    and we could also use the captives of these countries as slaves so we would ever have to work again. we could use the women as sex slaves and we could steal all their money and material belongings...... this would guaranteed a great future for AMERICA!!!!!

    What would you do if all oil reserves were depleted?

    With gas prices skyrocketing how are we to afford heating our home?What would you do if all oil reserves were depleted?
    Wood stove and solar panels, grow your own vegetables and herbal medicines. become self sufficient. read more books.What would you do if all oil reserves were depleted?
    I would simply burn something else. I already do to heat my home (natural gas).

    Gas prices are not that high.
    The same way people did before oil furnaces- wood and coal. Now we have the advantages of solar designs that can make up a good part of a houses heating requirements along with better insulation. Then there's always electric from hydro, nuclear and wind. I myself have 80 acres of woodlot that is in desperate need of thinning. I'll sell pretty much anyone wood that needs it- at the right price. When I'm too lazy to load the stove with wood, I put on a coat.
    burn horse cookies?
    Pray for Divine Intervention.
    Arguably, its impossible for oil reserves to be exhausted. Simply, as oil approaches depletion, its rarity will drive up its value, to perhaps $1,000 a barrel. With oil 10x current prices, its only uses would be pharmaceutical; we would not use oil for cars or heating. Although demand for oil is certainly inelastic, it is not perfectly inelastic.

    The increasing price of oil as depletion continues may well be a good thing. Although oil shocks can cause inflation and other economic ills, high oil prices are spur development of alternative energy sources. With oil being so expensive, consumers will be willing to pay more for alternatives or substitutes, driving the profitability of alternative energy research up and hopefully creating a solution.

    Oil probably will not deplete, but there are some indications that it has peaked. I strongly recommend you read the wikipedia article on Peak Oil.
    Burn Wood.
    We'd be forced to make the choices we SHOULD be making now.

    Also, please do not believe everything you read on's an OPEN encyclopedia...meaning that the Average Joe can add to it, edit it, and delete certain parts of it....just something to think about.
    the answer is cells,wind energy, and other eco friendly sources can be used...but the problem is how to implement them??...yes they can be implemented but the superpowers like usa ...hav there major economy depended on it will take some time....but it has to happen.....there is on other option left...
    use cooking oil
    It's not going to happen in our lifetime. Besides, there's alternative such as waste oil, bio fuel, etc.

    I think there's plenty of oil and gas -- I think they make up stories about it running low just so they can raise the prices. How would any of us know otherwise?

    How does government control of oil reserves affect the major oil companies?

    It doesn't. The federal oil reserve is our government's reserve in case of emergency. It has occasionally be tapped to increase the current flow of oil to consumers, but it doesn't increase oil to companies.

    As a side note, opening coastal drilling is not going to increase the government's oil reserve. It will only increase leasing of coastal waters for drilling by oil companies. Any oil recovered would potentially go into the global market, resulting in a nominal reduction in oil prices nationally.How does government control of oil reserves affect the major oil companies?
    They must continue to import Oil if the reserves are not tapped to achieve a Market Equilibrium for oil. If the government decided to restrict and bar domestic drilling, then the Major Oil Firms must find a way to supply the market. If the Government decides to allow for Domestic Drilling, then the Oil Firm is able to pay an Autarky Price, which may be higher or lower, depending on the Oil Supply available, as well as the number of competitors in the market, and how much the Domestic Price declines in relation to the World Price in Trading.

    What Are You Gonna Do In A Country With No Oil Reserves, Now That the Gallon Costs More Than 4 Dollars?

    Countries like USA and others tend to enter in a deep recession in the next years.

    Brazil and all the other nations that have profoundly invested in new oil fields within 5 or ten years will pose as the richest of the worldWhat Are You Gonna Do In A Country With No Oil Reserves, Now That the Gallon Costs More Than 4 Dollars?
    All things are cyclical, economics included. We will enter a period of inflated oil prices - maybe ten years or so. As a result, we will either drill more, or explore %26amp; employ alternative energy sources. The price of oil is a simple function of supply and demand. We can't control India's need for oil. We can't control China's need for oil. And by drilling more, we are only stabilizing the price as long as we have no supply shocks - a hurricane in the Gulf, a pipeline breach anywhere, a plant explosion, etc. So, while it will hurt for a while, alternative energy sources are the best long-term solution. It's not like we didn't see this coming.What Are You Gonna Do In A Country With No Oil Reserves, Now That the Gallon Costs More Than 4 Dollars?
    We will develop alternate fuels and/or the tree huggers will buckle and allow more drilling.

    FYI -In the next five years it is conceivable that Brazil could move ahead of Mexico and Canada in total oil reserves, becoming second only to Venezuela and the United States in the energy pecking order of the Americas.
    We really have no real choice here do we, we either pay the price or find an alternative method of transportation!! Sad isn't it !!!

    We have oil but they won't drill for it and we all know why that is!!
    We perfect super hot plasma fusion and build revolutionary sources of electricity for our hybrid cars.

    Russians are going to the North pole claiming rights to oil reserves there?

    Are we heading toward a new race to the northern ressources, like the old west? And since Canada has a puny navy, how could we opposed them in the region? All of this caused by the global warming or caused by increasingly limited oil ressources?Russians are going to the North pole claiming rights to oil reserves there?
    Isn鈥檛 it ironic that the use of oil is causing global warming, thereby making these areas for oil exploration more accessible? The fights that will ensue over this will be interesting.Russians are going to the North pole claiming rights to oil reserves there?
    Does the Siberian Dessert take in the North Poles? If the rest of the world flies over the North Pole the air is poluted - if the Russians say I want to dig there then they would have to stake a claim on drilling rights - the Poles are multi-nations driven - its not an easy task to start a biz up there without consent. The G8 would know that.
    Russia has never exploited its resources that well. This is just a ploy. The U.S. also has rights there (because of Alaska), but because of a treaty it is not supposed to be developed. With global warming, we can stake our claims there soon.
    if the oil is in international waters it's all about who gets there first.
    Libs dance in glee!!
    No. Because we have already shown the world, we have no intention of exploiting the oil resources in the far north. We are going to show the world how green we are by letting the Russians have the oil reserves up north. It will be Denmark and their Greenland territory that will dispute the Russians over the oil rights in that area. Denmark is a NATO member so Western Europe will kick Russia's *** if they try to take all the oil.
    As usual we have no media coverage of a real event and the dangers of the Russians trying again to extend their rights into international waters. The press and the Democrats seem to love the new Russians under Putin so they will never criticize this move.
    The U.S. is too stupid (because of Democrats) to drill in our own backyard. Stop worrying about Russia and start worrying about America!
    To be totally honest, who cares. Russia has failed at everything throughout its entire history, and to dig for oil in the north pole is too expensive to be profitable. It is nothing, and will never be nothing.
  • sunscreen
  • What are some good sources of RELIABLE information regarding Peak Oil and current global oil reserves?

    I'm researching Peak Oil and consumption/production data. I need data on known oil reserves, rates of consumption, and rates of production. Please list sources that are independent of the usual government agencies. The government agencies are skewing their figures on known reserves to support their agenda, and so are not factual. Their consumption figures may be more accurate, however, so I am not as resistant to those sources. If you have any credible sources I can access online, please post the links and any comments you may have for me.

    Thanks!What are some good sources of RELIABLE information regarding Peak Oil and current global oil reserves?
    I think you are going to run into issues with this. The reason that you get so many conflicting reports and different answers on this topic has much more to do with economics than what's in the ground.

    Basically, when an oil field is produced, it has to be profitable. Well, as demand growns and supply drops, price increases and fields that were unprofitable become profitable. For example, the Albertan oil sands and Utah/Colorado oil shales are now being investigated for production, and 10 years ago that was unimaginable.

    There are vast reserves of organic material that have petrolium potential. The problem is, all the easy fields are gone, and it gets harder and more expensive. Basically, anyone's 'peak oil' estimate is not much more than that, a guess. It's impossible to know how th emarket will react in the future and how many unprofitable fields will be opened in the future. Take any estimate with a grain of salt.

    Below are some American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG, I'm a member!) links to these issues. If you look at their site more, you may find more info you need. Good luck!What are some good sources of RELIABLE information regarding Peak Oil and current global oil reserves?
    Try GreenPeace.

    Going by the current world wide consumption, how long are world wide crude oil reserves estimated to last?

    How may 100s of years hence would the last gallon of gasoline/disel crank the last engine ?; What about aviation turbine fuel that powers the current aircrafts ? When would we replace all these with Hydrogen powered/N powered engines ?Going by the current world wide consumption, how long are world wide crude oil reserves estimated to last?
    The question is misguided. May I explain?

    What is happening is that we have largely removed the easy to get, lower cost oil.

    We have about half of known reserves left in the ground, perhaps a bit more.

    But as we have to go deeper, reach into pockets taht will not flow horizontally into the next reservoir , while we still get some oil, it costs so much more. At the end we will never quite run out of oil. it will just be too costly to recover it.

    So, we might have SOME oil to extractr for a few hundreds of years. But we will abandon a lot.

    The right question might be, how much crude can we get for $100 a barrel, How much for $200 a barrel, ande how much at 500.

    Because that is what is going to happen.

    Replacing current engines? We will do that when we can not afford to use them as is. If we have prop aircraft we may be powering the props electrically, via a fuel cell when the cost of that drops below the cost of using a diesel fuel turbine.Going by the current world wide consumption, how long are world wide crude oil reserves estimated to last?
    Never. When it costs thousands of dollars to get one gallon of oil out of the ground, it will be left there instead. Peak oil, when we can't continue to increase the rate at which we pump oil out of the ground every year is well past in the US and is probably here for the rest of the world. Over the last couple years, even with high oil prices, production has not risen but in fact decreased. It took a hundred years or so to use up the easy to pump stuff, but will take much less time to use up the rest that will be cost effective to get.
    I totally agree with Don. Let me add something I think is important. Besides price, the critical impact on oil consumers is politics. Right now, 75% of the worlds KNOWN reserves are in the Middle Eastern Arab countries. Oil consuming countries like the USA must accept whatever price is set, but do you really believe it actually costs 20 times more for them to produce it than it did in 1958? Of course not. In most cases they are tapping the exact same domes they were then. They have an agenda like anyone else, and this is how it is funded. The same is true of politics. The USA's dependence on oil has drawn it into a political agenda it would be much better off without. An example would be the war in Iraq.
    The resources are being depleted already. I guess we could spend billions of dollars turning over and drilling up every bit of land on the planet, and we'd always find one last gallon of oil. BUT why should we when there are ways of becoming energy independent that don't A) Ruin the environment and B) put us at the mercy of countries that are not aligned with our interests.

    In fact, as I am thinking about this, there is not one country that we are relying on for oil that is not using it for political leverage over us (Venezula, Russia, Iran, etc)

    We are doing a great deal of harm to ourselves by not becoming independent of oil!

    Let's take the gloves off, we invaded Iraq because we needed to have more leverage over the oil in that region.
    Don't forget other petroleum products that are overconsumed as well. I saw a documentary that had an oil insider say that mideast reserves could dry up in 10 years. I can see why the world is fighting for the oil rights if that is true. I saw that 50% of US farmers have switched from their normal crops, soy, wheat, etc. and have started planting corn, which makes me think something is up. The US is all over S. America right now and I think it's because Bush and Co. smell the oil there. Right now the US owns the only refineries that can process the type of crude found in S. America. So I guess their oil has to come here. I had some friends who specialized in locating oil reserves in the US, and their work was completed in about one year so that makes me think there wasn't much to find. Look at it this way, Dallas/Ft. Worth is going ahead with horizontal drilling in the middle of the city. It sounds pretty oil desperate to me. The US needs to convert to some other energy immediately. Who cares if gas is $12 a gallon if they only allow each person to buy 5 gallons or some other restrictions? The recent cancellation of flights by the airlines points to some sort of shift. They have raised their prices and the airlines have still gone bankrupt, what gives? You have to wonder how the wars will be fought in the future without gas in the tanks. The Air force has shifted to the use of unmanned aerial vehicles to do recon and bomb dropping. We may have to use a UAV to take our kids to school?! No more giant yellow bus, that's for sure!
    According to a textbook the prediction is that the current oil supply will run our by 2020 and that is not that far away. I believe they (researchers and scientists) are working on it right now. They are making fuel from sugar , corn oil, and carbon dioxide so it may not be long before we have a replacement.
    Do not fear ,we will never run out as the plants are recycling the CO2 so fast u would not believe. The plants take in the CO2 and very quickly give us back the O2 ,but keeps the C for the plants food. When the plants die the leaves break up and wash down the rivers to the delta where it will deteriorate into OIL %26amp; GAS. It is recycled just as simple as our water cycle is.
    I heard somewhere that with our current extraction technology and known reserves we've got enough fossel fuel for about 200 years.

    Sadly under our current system nobody in power gonna seriously think about alternative energy for maybe the next 150 years.
    That's hard to answer. New sources of oil are discovered every year. You are right that we have 100s of years before the last gallon of gas cranks the last engine.
    A very long time, and that does not even include the material in oil shale deposits.
    Let's just say....

    A looooooooooooooooooong time.

    a week Thursday

    Why dumb republicans think that tapping oil reserves won't work and drilling would?

    Drilling is going to take 10 years to make any difference in oil prices while tapping oil reserves could immidiately lower the oil prices.Why dumb republicans think that tapping oil reserves won't work and drilling would?
    Peak oil is a way of guessing how much new oil will be discovered by looking at how much has already been discovered. Peak Oil is real but not an exact science. I am worried about drilling our reserves will give Americans a false sense of security. The facts are that we will still be buying oil from countries that are known to not be our friends. The main problem is that it may lower gas prices enough for people to go back to our old ways of gas guzzling vehicles. This would just create more problems down the road. There is not one answer to this problem. It will take many different types of fuel to help with this problem. I think most Americans would love to go to a gas station and have 4 or 5 different ways to fill there tank. The power of the consumer needs to be regained. I know we have a choice of which company we buy gas from, but I want the consumer to be able to choose what type of fuel they use. Gas is what I like to call a product monopoly. If all stores only had apples for sale you have no choice but to buy apples. I think most people would be pissed off if they knew there were other fruits out there and the government and the apple makers were doing things to keep the other fruits out. I want a choice not of which company I buy from but what product I buy.Why dumb republicans think that tapping oil reserves won't work and drilling would?
    ';Drilling is going to take 10 years to make any difference in oil prices while tapping oil reserves could immidiately lower the oil prices.';

    Yes, tapping the reserves could lower prices, but for how long? A month? A week? A couple of days before the price shoots back up again?

    Tapping the reserves is a short term temporary measure. Drilling for oil is a more permanent long term measure.

    The question isnt why we think tapping the reserves wont work, and drilling would, but why you think tapping the reserves will work and drilling wont. You are correct about the drilling taking some time, though the claim that it would take 10 years is a falsehood:鈥?/a>

    The real number of years aside, if we dont drill for oil, then how many years will it take for oil prices to drop?
    Well, first off I'm not dumb, so I guess that disqualifies me.

    Tapping the reserves isn't a continuing source. It doesn't solve the problem, but alleviates the pain for a very short time. It also reinforces the speculators belief that there's a shortage. This makes them perk up and bet some more.

    Do you intend to not be here in ten years? I do. The short sightedness of Bill Clinton, when he used that very excuse, would have started producing oil about two years ago. Drilling doesn't have to take ten years. There are experts that estimate the can get oil off the outer continental shelf in two to five years. A lot of the problems with the whole ten years thing is due to the red tape imposed by our loving government.

    But actually, by the very arguments of the Democrats in congress, it would help before we drilled an inch. They have a tendency to blame the speculators, and I do beleive they play a role. They're basically just gamblers betting on the future price of oil as a commodity. They watch what goes on in the world and follow that. If it looks like there's going to be more oil in the market sometime in the future, especially if it will provide price wars, they'll drop it like a hot potato. A good example is going on right now. President Bush and the governor of Florida said that now would be a good time to drill. Congress is fighting it tooth and nail, but in spite of that, the speculators are seeing that the tide is turning and some of the are wanting to cash in their chips now. As a result, oil dropped 16 dollars a barrel. That's a HUGE drop.

    Can you imagine if congress went along with it? Not to mention if they cut the red tape it took as well? It would drop sharply. We also have the shale programs, giving us more oil than the middle east.

    The last time the middle east was threatened with their oil going away, they dropped it drastically to discourage us from getting energy independent. They'll do it again.

    This is before we put a single drop into the system. Afterwards, look out. Especially if we continue to develop our alternative fuels programs, which will lower the value of oil even more.

    THAT is why drilling is a good idea.
    The offshore drilling experts are saying that the ';10 year'; number that the Democrats insist on quoting is outdated and based on old technology. Figures.

    They know where the deposits are and can have the wells operational in as little as TWO YEARS from the time Congress gives the OK.

    The reserves have only a limited amount of oil.

    We have no idea how much we can produce from the deposits we have as drilling and production technology improve.

    There are many older fields that had stopped producing that are now viable using secondary and tertiary recovery techniques.

    Oil shale recovery is now viable but frivolous environmental law suits are stopping us from utilizing this resource.

    You are calling the WRONG people ';dumb.';
    The strategic reserve is for national emergencies. It was created after the oil embargo in the 1970's. That was a threat to our national security. We are still recieving millions if not billions of barrells of oil from all over the world. With that said while paying $4+ a gallon does suck it is not a national crisis. As such it is not justifible to release some barrels from the reserve. That said drilling our own resources makes sense espicially if it is couple with an effort to bring other alternitive energy sources on line which will take a lot longer.
    okay so we use our strategic reserves. then the nation has to pay an even higher price to replace those reserves. God forbid we have a national disaster and the tanks are empty.

    using our strategic reserves to lower gas prices won't bring prices back down by much and would only do that much for a very very short time- like a month.

    it's very shortsighted, not a solution, and actually just a reason for pelosi to scream at Bush and take the spotlight off her obstructionism.
    I'm not sure how old you are, but if you study the problem, those of us who are a bit older have been pushing for drilling and alternative energy sources for the past 20 years or so. It was the liberal democrat tree-huggers like Green Peace and their ilk that have put up roadblock after roadblock. Had they listened when we told the government we needed to lessen our dependancy on foreign oil back then, we would be self-sustaining now and not in our current predicament.
    Doctor, ';peak oil'; is a nice theory. I respect Mr.Pickens but when you see new oil finds like the Brazilian find and the exploration off the western shore of Africa, it is possible ';peak oil'; is theory that is conflict with reality.
    so if you empty out your retirement savings now, and don't replenish it, do you think you will ever be able to retire?

    Or should you leave that money alone, work a bit harder now, and be able to live comfortably when you get too old to work?
    If a hurricane with the power of Katrina wiped out the Mississippi delta again, but we didn't have extra oil supplies to compensate for the disaster, you would blame bush for that too huh??
    actually we could get new oil in 2 to 5 years. The libs like to use that quote because it was used to deny drilling in Alaska. And the amount of oil in our reserves would not last long.
    If they had any brain they would have started looking for alternate energy long back.
    Why don't we do both?

    Why does it have to take 10 years? It shouldn't.

    Where are the United States oil reserves currently stored?

    Or how are they stored?Where are the United States oil reserves currently stored?
    If you mean the US Strategic Petroleum Reserves, which were established to cushion oil markets during energy disruptions-- — nearly 700 million barrels of oil are stored in underground salt caverns along the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast. Here's a map of current and proposed sites:…

    The Department of Energy says: Emergency crude oil is stored in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in salt caverns. Created deep within the massive salt deposits that underlie most of the Texas and Louisiana coastline, the caverns offer the best security and are the most affordable means of storage, costing up to 10 times less than aboveground tanks and 20 times less than hard rock mines.

    Storage locations along the Gulf Coast were selected because they provide the most flexible means for connecting to the Nation's commercial oil transport network. Strategic Reserve oil can be distributed through interstate pipelines to nearly half of the Nation's oil refineries or loaded into ships or barges for transport to other refineries.

    There are also set-aside lands with rich oil resources in several places around the country, including Alaska. Naval Petroleum or Oil Shale reserves.

    The Department of Energy sites below will get you started if you want more information.Where are the United States oil reserves currently stored?

    They cap a percentage of the wells to be pumped out when they need it.%26gt; underground %26lt;
    The facilities are in Louisiana, and Texas. The crude oil is stored in man made caverns.

    What would happen if the US uncapped thier oil reserves and flooded the market?

    Would it drasticaly reduce the price of gas worldwide ?What would happen if the US uncapped thier oil reserves and flooded the market?
    the price of gas is heavily dictated by OPEC. i believe a barrel of petroleum would just need around $1 to produce but today it is sold at almost $100! it is a total shock to all people.

    however, only those countries that are member of the opec sell oil at the current world price but there are countries who export oil but are not member of such organization and opec has been trying its best to include those countries. they are one of the reasons as to why opec has no 100% control on oil prices.

    i believe that oil prices in certain countries are subsidized by the government while some don't levy taxes so the citizens of the country are eased from such burden. however, some countries have heavily taxed oil so their citizens are seeking for ways to decrease the use of oil such as having smaller cars or using alternative fuels [this is true almost in whole of europe]. lastly, i think that the united states belong to the first one for the citizens of the country can still afford to have cars with really big engines [suv's and muscle cars] that can really consume more fuel with just a little mile run but has a terrible extreme brute force.

    if the us will use the reserved oils, then many environmentalist will be against it for it will harm the environment and will still not be able to solve the energy problem that not just the us faces but the entire world faces the very same problem. although the prices of oil ';may'; fall, it will still have other negative effects mainly as environmental hazard and the us might be forced to follow the environmental policies set worldwide by many signatory countries. [take note: the us participated during the environmental summits like to kyoto protocol and yet it prefered not to be a signatory country. just take a look at the rest of the us and you will find out, well, with one exception: california].

    take note that i said prices may go down because many people may want to earn riches so why not make use of the situation to earn real good profits [well, just do the maths, go to the current world price of petroleum and the production cost per barrel i mentioned above].What would happen if the US uncapped thier oil reserves and flooded the market?
    As long as there is a man in the white house who has a connection to the oil buisnes that will never happen. His family makes way to much money with the prices where they are!
    perhaps it could effect the prices of fuels? the streets would flood in pools of filthy black oils drowning person after person until all the united states was submerged in greasy oils, perhaps its a good idea.. not so much for the general public but maybe they should flood the whitehouse and pentagon with them?
    What reserves are those? The Strategic Reserve? Thats only enough oil to supply the US for 2-3 months.
    reduce the price in the short run.

    then when we're fresh out of reserves, prices skyrocket like never before seen.
    We'd get free gasoline and can travel out of state often.
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but the US does not have enough oil to really do this in the long term. Initially, prices may drop, but oil has a shelf life and you need the resources to refine and store the product.

    Once those reserves are gone, you will again depend on overseas resources, and I would think that OPEC countries would then decide on punitive actions to punish the US would be reasonable, or they might embargo the US because of irresponsible behaviour.

    US fuel prices are the lowest in the developed world, and you all need to get used to the idea that the world is demanding that you pay your share. China will not sit idly by and will continue to command more resources for an economy that can afford to pay it's bills. The US economy lives on borrowings, and is not a good credit risk.

    I add that if America keeps all these reserves for itself, it is unlikely to affect global prices.
    ';Simple'; They would run out , in no time , proving that ,There struggles on foreign shores , are driven , by the pursuit of oil. have no idea how much oil we have..