Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Can the U.S. rely on its own oil reserves instead of a foreign country's? Gas prices...?

I've heard we have enough oil on (well, under) our soil to cover the current rate of oil consumption for 110 years. However, this oil is in the form of ';oil shale';, which is not itself oil, but can be refined into oil.

Would it, in the long run, be cheaper to produce this oil than to import it from other countries? Gas prices would significantly decline. How great would that be?

Eager to hear your input, thanks.Can the U.S. rely on its own oil reserves instead of a foreign country's? Gas prices...?
Yes, we do have it but politicians will NOT hear about it. We have even better technologies than oil already but majority of car maker's won't even touch it....(Bio-diesel $2 a gallon). Oil has brought us more than wars, death n disease than any1anticipate it from the beginning. While Arabs r rotten in lots n lots of $$$ the rest of the world suffers recessions n economical status. In some parts of America the gallon of gas/petro is almost @ $4 bucks n the national minimum wage is $7 bucks..Where's the logic on that? The richer will get more richer (Oils companies n their politicians) n the poor will just simple die.

We r supposed 2 b the world's Super Power but indeed a good half of the American population don't have any source of health insurance..whatta joke, man.Can the U.S. rely on its own oil reserves instead of a foreign country's? Gas prices...?
The problem with US oil isn't in the oil, but the lack of refineries..

The EPA won't allow new to be built or current ones expanded due to air quality....
  • revlon
  • Why do some people believe the allies are not plundering Iraqi oil reserves?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    2.5 million barrels a day and rising. Why do some people believe we are not taking the oil? Where do they get their information?Why do some people believe the allies are not plundering Iraqi oil reserves?
    I don't remember the name of the tanker but I recall in late 2003, an oil tanker completely full of oil getting caught in the middle of the night trying to get out of the Med. Sea.

    Irregardless though, I have watched Congressional debates where they were discussing paying for the Iraqi war with Iraqi oil. So, it is naive to think that we or our allies are not draining their oil as we speak.Why do some people believe the allies are not plundering Iraqi oil reserves?
    One word - propaganda. It's not about oil it's about freedom!! Don't think just listen to what Bush tells you.
    damn go somewhere else and cry and who gives a sh*t what we take! those basta*ds took the twin towers. Are you a terrorist lover!!!
    I read both those articles and didn't see anything about the US plundering oil...actually the first one said that it was purely Iraqi run
    Yes, it says that Iraq is producing that much oil, but it does NOT say that it's being shipped to the US. You're only assuming that. Iraq has always produced alot of oil, which brings money into their economy. However, when Saddam ruled, he kept all the money for himself while his country starved. Remember the LARGE stashes of actual cash he was found with?? He also had several palaces. By Iraq producing oil again, it just means that they're that much closer to being able to sustain themselves and maintain a healthy economy. Don't be reading things into it. Don't just assume that the US is taking the oil. NOthing says that the US has acquired that oil. The closest thing said is that ';they expect lucrative deals'; and it's hard telling with the reliability of the source.

    What is the reason that the oil reserves the US has is only for the military?

    maybe to take control of other oil? Just a thoughtWhat is the reason that the oil reserves the US has is only for the military?
    It isn't. It is for whatever the president wants it to be for.What is the reason that the oil reserves the US has is only for the military?
    That's called being prepared in case we go to war with the Saudis, Iran, Venezuela, or some other oil-rich country we depend on.
    Do you think that our military might runs with water in their tank. We don't take nothing from no country that doesn't want to sell it to us,, what we do is what every other country does,, buy what they sell. and do you think that's illegal?? Do you know what will happened if we the USA stop buying from the world,, they will go into chaos.. We are the mightiest economical power in the world with out us the world will not survive. You better start reading about your country before you come with this wild ideas of yours.!!
    There is no reason because the oil reserves ARE NOT for the US Military, but it is there in case of a oil embargo from the Middle East or

    else where and a emergency of any other

    It's called The Strategic Petroleum Reserves, and it is called that for a reason. But, portions of it have been released for public consumption. Some of it was released within the past few years, after hurricane Katrine comes to mind. That is when a major portion of American production was damaged.

    So, no, it is not ONLY for the Military. It is for the country.
    It is because a military needs fuel and if they do not have fuel in reserve the chances of defeat are great. You can have all the best aircraft, ships, vehicles but if you don't have fuel they are worthless.

    If all of a sudden America was without foreign oil and people couldn't drive there cars. This oil reserve would still stay intact, and rightly so.

    Yes some of the oil is distributed to the public when there is an emergency
    How would the military be able to defend us without any oil?

    Shouldn't our oil reserves remain in reserve in case of an emergency? Such as if we had a war here or if ?

    the middle east decided to cut us off?Shouldn't our oil reserves remain in reserve in case of an emergency? Such as if we had a war here or if ?
    Yes and that is why Nancy Pelosi needs to be removed from office, instead of using her office to promote her own book tours.Shouldn't our oil reserves remain in reserve in case of an emergency? Such as if we had a war here or if ?
    it would be nice if we came up with a way so we could tell the middle east to all go to hell they all hate us with a passion and W only made it that much more hatred bigger. Mccain has no stated plan to change any of this but Obama does plan to invest in alternative oil
    Thats what its for. Why?

    Why has Obama FLIPPED on using strategic oil reserves?

    Wasn't Obama adamantly against this about a month ago???Why has Obama FLIPPED on using strategic oil reserves?
    He is just continuing his ';strategy'; in trying to find every available sucker in the U.S. to vote for him.Why has Obama FLIPPED on using strategic oil reserves?
    It was just on TV that SEN McCain did exactly the same thing. It's what we want to hear and their advisors figured out (all by themselves) that their man should say it.

    They don't call politics the art of the possible for nothing....IE it is what will happen.
    The guy is cluelss. He never understands what he's saying, so he changes it at a drop of a hat. And the Democrats need to get their grubby little hands off our strategic oil reserves.
    He has no real constructive agenda
    No, he has not flipped here.
    / because he CHANGED his mind (again)
    he just wants another vote-
    anything for vote

    yes he was
    probably for the same reason McCain FLIPPED on get more's called politics, try and keep up with the rest of us

    When large amounts of hidden oil reserves are found, it it true that it is called ';Peak-A-Boo Oil';?

    I have to say I have never heard that term

    How much oil is in the US oil reserves?

    Here are some links that will tell you that there is a lot of oil in reserves and trust e there is probably even more. We will never really know because out government only tells us what they want us to know or believe and not the actual truth.How much oil is in the US oil reserves?
    Oh I wish I were an oscar meyer weiner......How much oil is in the US oil reserves?
    Not nearly enough
    US oil reserves should never be used unless we're in a real war and the supply is cut off.

    If our largest suppliers in the Middle East and Venuezuela suddenly stopped shipments, the US is in trouble.

    So.. the reserves should only be used in a real emergency, and not just to reduce the gas prices by 15 cents.
    Monday, May 1st, 2006

    Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the largest untapped oil reserve in the world - more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005 President Bush mandated its extraction. Three companies have been chosen to lead the way. Test drilling has already begun

    Dear Reader,

    Five months ago, the U.S. Energy Department announced the results of a land survey

    It was conducted to determine the official amount of oil a thousand feet deep in the Rocky Mountains

    They reported this stunning news:

    We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth.

    Here are the official estimates:

    * 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia

    * 18-times as much oil as Iraq

    * 21-times as much oil as Kuwait

    * 22-times as much oil as Iran

    * 500-times as much oil as Yemen

    And it’s all right here in the Western United States.

    James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says, “We’ve got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East.”

    More than 2 TRILLION barrels. Untapped.…
    Not enough, or we wouldn't call is a ';reserve.'; If we had a referendum I would vote not to touch it unless there were an absolute, dire necessity -- not just to lower prices. We can always cut down on our driving, but we need heat in January up here in the NE.
    i don'k know this but enough for war
    If I remeber correctly they had this on CNN. The united states has about 10yrs worth of oil.
    it should be 200,000 barrels i think but it may not be full
    about 2 quarts
    About 2 and a half gallons. And there is a few drops in my old truck.
    not nearly enough to last us more than a year - we rely too much on the unstable mining conditions in the middle east to ever compete with them as far as oil reserves are concerned. americans really need to use less oil in case something happens where the government really needs to use our oil. i think each american should be personally limited to their own oil consumption.
    don't believe cnn. we may have 10 yrs supply in our strategic oil reserve, however, there is no definate answer to that question, because geologists still discover new oil wells.

    we are not going to run out, stop letting the terrorists in the media win.
  • revlon
  • Why hasn't the President opened the Federal Oil Reserves to assist Americans with gasoline price?

    Because bush has no clue how much gasoline prices in the USA have gone up since he took office.Why hasn't the President opened the Federal Oil Reserves to assist Americans with gasoline price?
    and 3 days after that What? We still have real oil in the USA but the Democrats STOP it from being Pumped out .Why hasn't the President opened the Federal Oil Reserves to assist Americans with gasoline price?
    He needs it for war in Iran.
    At a guess because the US government is controlled by corporations(including oil companies) who LOVE all the money they are making and pass that on to politicians who continue to make corrupt decisions.
    Because president Bush is controlled by Oil companies and they are thrilled with these prices.

    They are partying right now.

    American oil fields are expensive to get opened.

    New fields in Alaska cause more damage than good.

    What everyone should do is to REDUCE oil spending.

    Lets all stop filling for a week.

    What the oil companies will do then?
    Id think it would be better to start drilling in ANWAR and off the coast of California,build new nuclear power plants and build several new refineries as well
    why would he do that if he can wipe out the middle class this way
    Because enviroMENTAList nut jobs won't allow him.

    Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News

    Aug. 7--As expected, Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt on Thursday approved opening the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska to oil and gas leasing, and just as expected, environmentalists are less than elated with the way he's doing it.

    Oil companies are unhappy that Babbitt's plan for the North Slope reserve won't allow them to look for oil where it's most likely to be found. And conservationists are upset that valuable habitat may not be protected as well as it should be.
    opening federal oil reserves would not increase the amount of refined oil
    be better to open ANWAR
    They are strategic reserves. It would not effect the price. I have read no,NO, news that anyone is unable to afford the gas.

    It is not the governments job to provide for you.
    The oil reserves were not put in place to help you stay within your budget.

    Perhaps a better question would be...Why hasn't any politicians suggested lowering Fed %26amp; State tax on gasoline?

    In which year do you think that oil reserves will come to an end?

    They've been predicting oil would run out in 20-30 years for about a century now. At current rates of usage and with known reserves, we probably have about 30-40 years worth of oil. But things change. Efforts to curb global warming may accelerate the push to alternative energy, cutting oil usage. And an ironic effect of global warming may be that it makes new oil fields accessible in places like Greenland.

    Stay tuned.In which year do you think that oil reserves will come to an end?
    Interesting question. This issue has been discussed for decades, Around 1970, a movie called The Tragedy of the Commons predicted that the supply of gasoline as well as many of our mineral resources would be signficantly depleted by the 1990's. That didn't happen because technology allowed us to find new deposits and to stop using the existing resources for new; i.e. titanium. We won't ever run out; the more poignant question is how much are you willing to spend for gasoline. Is 5$ a gallon too high. European citizens are paying over 6.50 a gallon in certain areas.In which year do you think that oil reserves will come to an end?
    When I was young, they said 2000. Now 2200 is the number I hear
    They will never end since the amount oil reserves are determined by price. When the price of oil goes up the amount of reserves goes up because more difficult to get reserves become more profitable to extract. For example, there is more oil in the tar sands of Alberta, Canada than has ever been found in the Middle East. It is just not as easy to get.
    We'll never get the last drop; it'll just keep getting more and more expensive until the price drives down the damand. Eventually, other energy sources will replace oil, but they will not equal today's oil output until we get nuclear fusion power plants.

    Many experts believe we are already at the peak of oil production; it's all downhill from here.
    As far as Crude Oil deposits, probably 50-100 years with any luck. There are also vast amounts in shale deposits in North America, though it's not yet economically feasable to extract. Once the price of gas gets high enough, you can bet they'll start getting to it.
    you,ll be long dead, dont worry.
    About 40 years ago seems the offical estimate for coal reserve in va. %26amp; ky. was known to be 200 yrs. Present estimates have dropped drastically. The bible speaks of a people being'; ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth';, seems we have arrived. Don't put a lot of confidence in scientist they will have another estimate tomorrow.
    When I was young they were supposed to be gone by now.

    Is it time the government opens the oil reserves to ease gas prices?

    Hahaha! DRAGON hits P%26amp;S with a serious question on Bizarro P%26amp;S Day.

    DRAGON 2008

    ';I BELIEVE IN U.S.';Is it time the government opens the oil reserves to ease gas prices?
    100% yes!Is it time the government opens the oil reserves to ease gas prices?
    Even with oil reserves open, the big oil companies will keep the price way up to make more of their unreasonable profits. The reserves should stay closed to guarantee availability in the future.
    Yes and drill off the Fla coast

    Would releasing the US oil reserves help to bring the gas price down ?

    To answer your question;

    No, because the current prices are more due the fact that there is no refinery capacity to make more gasoline available. If we build more refineries that would lower the price of gasoline, because more of it will be available. The problem is not a shortage of oil.Would releasing the US oil reserves help to bring the gas price down ?
    If you are talking about drilling for more oil, yes they prices will come down. If you are talking about the strategic oil reserves, No there is simply not enough.Would releasing the US oil reserves help to bring the gas price down ?
    Yes, but it would have a very small effect. It would be like adding a few drops to a huge barrel.
    Maybe a dime or two, for a month or two, but that's about it.
    With Exxon making 75k a min. in 2007 I would say that using our surplus is not the problem. We go after small gas stations for price gouging but never the root cause. I say the oil that America uses should be people owned and no profit made, we will just pay the private corporations to get it out of the ground for us.
    for a few weeks, yes.
    Easy way the goverment isn't endorsing is to stop taxing it...right now in Florida we are paying about 44 cents per gallon in taxes.
    In a word nope.
    Sure, for about a day.
    Absolutely and it would also show these nasty little countries that we don't want or need them and would effectively shut them up.
    No. Less oil reserves would drive futures up. Do you know why the oil investors price oil so high? The same reason why a dog licks his nads - they can.
    Marginally, at best.

    In theory, it could create more of a supply, but it might also set of some sort of speculative panic (';Why is the US releasing the oil reserves? Are things that bad?';), and this would force prices higher.
    That plus the addition of new refineries, and new drilling yes.
    Yes, but developing electric cars would bring them down more quickly.

    Also, if everyone boycotted Mobil then after some time Mobil would have to lower its prices to fight the boycott, which would result in its competitors lowering their prices to compete with Mobil.
    Doubtful. A lot of the current prices revolve around increased global consumption combined with decreased value of the dollar.
    Yes, providing that the left wing nut jobs let us build new refineries as well
    Yes... but only a little bit and only for a little while.

    The problem is the growing demand for gasoline and fuel in India and China.

    We were so nice to help give them an economic boom... but too dumb to think of the long term consequences.
    not so much
    not in the short term. the refineries need to be built, that takes many years. but once they are operating, sure that will help lowering prices. developing alternative fuels will be the key since alternative fuels are replenishing itself.

    For how many years from now do you think that the oil reserves on earth will be depleted ?

    I think 50 to 75 years. Our biggest problem right now is a lack of refining capacity.For how many years from now do you think that the oil reserves on earth will be depleted ?
    It won't so much be depleted, as it will be too expensive to use. It may already be here.

    There will be a tipping point, at which the expense of fossil fuels becomes more expensive than alternatives.

    I think the energy companies would like us to stay with the fuel-provider model, by switching us to nuclear energy or alternative fuels. But these alternatives will still provide more expensive energy.

    I think we would all be better off if our buildings were as energy self-sufficient as possible by adding solar collectors to roofs and wind turbines of various sizes to out neighborhoods and backyards.

    Amoco/PB has fitted many of their stations with solar, and Wal-Mart is working on this as well.

    I expect a boom in solar like the 80's, only more sophisticated, with grid tie-ins and other efficiencies, soon.For how many years from now do you think that the oil reserves on earth will be depleted ?
    there is plenty of oil around the world they have created a shortage to raise the price up
    thats a scary thought..umm i dont know by the pace we're useing it now i would say atleast 70yr from now...lucky most of us here today wouldnt be there to witness the problems that might be caused by that but i also believe men r really smart and they'll come up with somethin to replace oil..or find more oil reserves somewhere hidden today....
    At current rates of consumption and economic growth, there is enough for about 200 to 300 years. But there are major concerns here - one is that the rate at which oil can be refined has peaked because we are getting close to the point of depleting all of the oil that is easily accessible - meaning that while there is still plenty of oil out there, it will get harder to find and more expensive to refine and bring to market. Another concern is climate change - if we continue to burn oil at our present rate, we are certain to cause catostrophic harm to the planet in about 100 years.
    We need to boost our refinement and collection technology for oil shale. Crude Oil can not only be drilled and pumped from a well, it can be seperated from solid rock called oil shale. The only problem is that it involves strip mining and the it currently takes a lot of energy and money to seperate the crude oil from oil shale. When we do get this technology, oil will not run out for a long time, best of all there is a lot here in the US. There is something like 300 billion barrels of crude oil that has been found has been consumed in the past and may be drilled and consumed in the future. We have used about 100 billion so far in history making 200 billion left. In the case of oil shale, there are over 1.3 trillion barrels of oil to be recovored in the state of Colorado alone, then we won't need OPEC.
    Humans have been mining gold for say 5,000 years as a rough estimate, in that time we have never run out of gold. Gold is still valuable and used around the world in all niches of society. The processes we have used have changed, the value of gold has changed but so far we haven't run out. We utilize fossil fuels in a variety of applications from fuel to plastics, some of those things can be done with other sources. When it is economical to change those process they will be changed. Instead of focusing all our energy on when something is going to run out (the problem), we need to focus on other ways of doing what we need to do (the solution).
    It will never be completely depleted. But it will become so scarce compared to the demand that it will get ridiculously expensive. I would think that would happen within a few decades, or a century at most.
    Last I heard 50 years. But that does not include Alaska or any other untapped areas.
    If you watn REAL answers that are unbiased, check out the book, ';Resource Wars';. It has a section devoted to oil, siting LEGITIMATE sources (governments from around the world, scientific community, researchers, oil companies, etc...). At our current pace of production, 15-30 years. The remaining oil will be too costly to extract. Increasing capacity at the refining arena only draws down the supply quicker. We should be using the oil for plastics, not burning it up through the tailpipe or smokestack.... So many other options that even British Petroleum (BP) has a rollout plan for Hydrogen fueling stations.....
    If we continue at our current pace, we could be looking at a great need for alternate energy sources in a few decades. Demand is rising, oil production can't keep up with consumption.

    I'd say 20-25 years. I might be over optimistic on that number too.
    at max iu would say that there is about 100years of oil left on the planet at the minumim i would say 50 but the reasherch in to alternative means of enargy is one of the top proritys but in the end everything runs out just like the sun is going to die in 50000years or so

    Norway has massive oil reserves, how come we aren't invading them?

    Is that because the War for Oil meme is past it's expiration date?Norway has massive oil reserves, how come we aren't invading them?
    Because we didn't go to Iraq for the oil. Thats just a myth. We went their under incorrect information, and lets face it, we were still a bit scared. We were still just kinda swinging after 2001. But it was not for oil. If we really needed it, we could tap the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, or stop exporting so much of what we produce, like around 50%.Norway has massive oil reserves, how come we aren't invading them?
    Maybe they're not brown enough.
    They are a member of NATO (Iraq is not)*. NATO would kick our @ss.
    Wait for it....wait for it!
    Global outrage? Bush already spent his political capital on getting into Iraq. The U.N. resolutions and the bad intelligence on WMD's gave him a more credible reason to invade Iraq than attacking another 1st world country like Norway unprovoked. I'm not saying we invaded for oil but for U.S. interests. To say that oil was not a factor is very naive, IMHO.
    Some of the largest oil reserves in the world today are currently in United States held lands, such as Anwar, the Dakotas, Montana, and Colorado, to name a few. Why aren't we going to those areas? (Let's not forget the Gulf of Mexico, where Cuba, China, Mexico and Venezuela are drilling today.)

    If you are going to ask questions about why we go to one place for oil, but not another, then at least ask the right question.
    Hate to say it, but the reason is that they are not brown, yellow, or black.....
    WTF kind of an idiotic question is that???
    Because Iraq was never about oil. It has always been about faulty intelligence.

    If we went to war for oil.. then where is it? Why are our troops paying over $3.00 a gallon in Iraq when Iraqis pay half that?
    The bush administration are stupid, but not that stupid lol
    If we invade Norway, we are definitely looking at WWIII with every country in the world turning against us. We are almost there now with this Bush Administration, but this would surely seal the deal.
    Coz you can't find any ally to invade Norway and without allies YOU SUCK!!! Norway would kick your a*s*s in a few days!!! Norway 1 - 0 USA
    Well - after 9/11 when Saudis hit the WTC, Bush invaded Iran. So if we have another 9/11, you just may see it. Bush has twisted logic.
  • revlon
  • How long will U.S. and world oil reserves last?

    This is assuming the consumption rate remains a constant.How long will U.S. and world oil reserves last?
    It depends on whether we continue to find new reserves or if the rate of discovery peters out.

    So probably at least 50 years. Probably several decades longer. Maybe less if countries like India and China increase consumption.How long will U.S. and world oil reserves last?
    The world's total known oil reserves will last for a maximum of less than another 50 years at current consumption rates. The U.S. only has enough oil to last for a year or two at current consumption rates, if we were able to pump all of it out of the ground for our use.

    Check out the sites below for more info.

    What would happen when all the oil reserves run off after 50 years from the world?

    I'm pretty sure we'll find something new to take the place of oil, I don't think it'll get to the point that we'll exhaust all the oil in the world.What would happen when all the oil reserves run off after 50 years from the world?
    Then they will start using the stuff Tesla invented some time ago to power the things that oil does now. But to many people are getting rich on oil, so why not get richer while some is left.What would happen when all the oil reserves run off after 50 years from the world?
    About 6 billion people (50 years from now) will starve to death because there won't be any petrol to manufacture fertilizer or to fuel mechanized agriculture.

    The remaining population would live in medieval conditions.
    If all the oil completely runs out there will be chaos. People will adapt but for a while it will be bad. It is not just being able to drive your car that will be affected. Many plastics, medical chemicals and many other things that come from oil that no longer will be here for us. Machinery to run the factories will stop because no lubrication for them. Your house will freeze in the winter and so many other things. No electricity either. Just think even the water will be shut off because the oil is not there to lubricate the pumps. The list goes on for a long time. You better hope there is something to replace many of the uses for oil long before we completely run out. There is new oil being created all the time but not fast enough to help much. Keep thinking about it.
    We will find another stash to last another 200 years.
    You will see a diversity of alternative power being utilized. Hydrogen Fuel cell, Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and even Hybrid power sources.

    The other direction to take is to make applicances that consume power, more energy efficient.

    The once rich oil nations will have one less card to play.
    In less than 50 years hydrogen fuel cells will be powering automobiles and Nuclear power will be supplying most of the electricity.
    The world has nearly 1000 years worth of oil at current usage, much of it within the borders of the US.
    We will all find out what cool technologies are being suppressed because the oil companies are making such insane profits!!!
    There is more than 50 years worth of oil left.
    We'll all have to start walking places and using other resources....I dunno how we'll ever get by.

    What is a physical feature where most of the world's oil reserves can be found? it is in the middle east.?

    i need to know that and a word for- agreements about how countries can use water in a region

    the first question is 11 letters long and the 4th letter is an S. the 2nd question is 11 letters long and the 10th letter is a T.What is a physical feature where most of the world's oil reserves can be found? it is in the middle east.?
    ghawar field

    Are Opec countries inflating their estimates on oil reserves. Siting specific facts would be helpful?

    The specific facts you want are anong their most closely guarded state secrets.Are Opec countries inflating their estimates on oil reserves. Siting specific facts would be helpful?
    No. THey are probably deflating their estimates to keep revenues higher.

    How important to big oil are the alaska reserves?

    How important to the republican party?How important to big oil are the alaska reserves?
    Well, aside from every single republican singing the same old song about freeing our nation from its oil dependency from foreign suppliers by turning our own soil into every environmentalists (and any person who has a heart not to want to see what happens to living creatures covered in oil), it is hard to say.

    There isn''t much to gain from what I heard. Scientists estimate that it wouldn't even cover the nation's current demands for even half of a year. As much as they have already spent just building the bridge to nowhere, the small fines they most likely will be forced to pay due to necessary clean-up from oil spills on National Wildlife Refuge areas, and the money that they had to put up just to build the stupid pipeline and bribe guess is that they are already in the negative. Unless, they are after something else, that is.

    You should know about that though. What does the military call it camo-construction (or side construction?)

    It is interesting, though, that McCain has chosen an Alaskan Republican rep. for a V.P.How important to big oil are the alaska reserves?
    Not as important as it is to the economic stability and national security of the US to have a secured source of oil.
    Important to theprofeteers like , Bush, Cheney, McCain and Palin. Very destructive to the environment. what whith oil spills and other calamites

    Why does Palin want to use up our oil reserves? Shouldn't we keep them in reserve in case of a war here? ?

    Is she insane!? It's dangerous to use it up.Why does Palin want to use up our oil reserves? Shouldn't we keep them in reserve in case of a war here? ?
    oh please....that whole oil reserve argument is tired a dated...This isnt 1945Why does Palin want to use up our oil reserves? Shouldn't we keep them in reserve in case of a war here? ?
    We already have a national strategic reserve.
    I am with you!

    Palin knows as much as a grade schooler when it comes down to politics.
    We are at war

    Using and using up are quite different things
    releasing a few thousand barrels of light crude.. (which is the plan) will lower the economic strain on fuel prices.. clinton did it once as well.. the strategic reserve has millions of barrels of all different types.. the plan is to release the easily refined oil for quick repair then buy the heavier crude to replenish the reserve.. obama had this plan in mind as well... palin however is just a moron and would probably forget to have a replenish date on the agenda
    we need to be using our own (America's) resources. that would be one good way to get out of the middle east.
  • revlon
  • Petroleum and oil reserves are often found in sedimentary rocks because?

    A. oil accumulates in the sediments

    B. these rocks often contain fossilized organic matter

    C. these rocks are very porous and permeable

    D. chemical changes occur to create these reservesPetroleum and oil reserves are often found in sedimentary rocks because?
    5 geology questions in a row by the same poster, all in a test like format. Hmmmmmm.Petroleum and oil reserves are often found in sedimentary rocks because?
    Sed. rock is made from the bed of a water source like an ocean. Oil is created from the remains of water based plants and animals.

    Is there any way of nuking the middle east without destroying the oil reserves?

    And what about the people? Any concern on their behalf or is it really just the oil that matters?Is there any way of nuking the middle east without destroying the oil reserves?
    What an evil B****** you are! Only you and your thinking kind belongs on a different stratosphere not even above the skies over earth.Is there any way of nuking the middle east without destroying the oil reserves?
    You're a fine human being.

    It should be feasible. The oil is very deep. And it would be nice for each American family to ride their SUVs for practically nothing and at hardly any cost. The weapons are there, not much additional cost to use them.

    Ummm, this is sarcasm...

    The largest lake in South America has rich oil reserves and is located in northern venezuela. what is its name

    its for socail studiesThe largest lake in South America has rich oil reserves and is located in northern venezuela. what is its name
    Maracaibo in VenezuelaThe largest lake in South America has rich oil reserves and is located in northern venezuela. what is its name
    Lake Maracaibo, which opens into the Gulf of Venezuela, and into the Caribbean Sea

    Lake Maracaibo

    If oil reserves seem to be about the same now as they were in the 1950's, what drives the price of oil &gas up?

    what drives the price of oil and particularly gasoline up and up? (Referring to economics)If oil reserves seem to be about the same now as they were in the 1950's, what drives the price of oil %26amp;gas up?
    Oil reserves are not the same now as they were in the 1950s, demand and use have gone up by multiples and we have depleted quite a lot.

    I don't know how much we have depleted, but it's safe to say there are a few decades of oil left. That doesn't mean it will be there at the price we have today, companies will have to work harder to develop remaining reserves and extract oil from harder to reach areas. Oil is driven up by by several factors, current demand, supply disruptions, all integrated into the commodity market of oil.

    When people buy and sell units of paper representing oil in the future, they are betting it will go up or down, to hedge or sell short. Supply disruptions will make oil more expensive, and more bidders will drive up the price in addition to an actual increase in demand.

    I guess a simple way to put it is, part psychology and part actual demand/supply.If oil reserves seem to be about the same now as they were in the 1950's, what drives the price of oil %26amp;gas up?
    1. Decline of the US dollar, caused by inflation and overprinting of money by the Federal Reserve. Investors do not want to hang onto a declining dollar so instead they invest in commodities (oil, gold, silver, copper) or foreign currency (Euro).

    2. Oil consumption worldwide is up greatly. Equal reserves as 1950 but 300% higher consumption. Simple economics, if supply is constant and demand goes up, so does price.

    3. New environmental and safety legislation. In the 1950s, companies could get away with environmental and personell destruction. Now they have to invest billions in technology to meet air, water and solid waste regulations and to keep their employees and communities safe.

    4. Increase taxes. Governments have increased fuel taxes, oil extraction taxes, property taxes, and fees to purchase drilling rights.

    5. Transportation. In the 1950s, the USA was capable of producing its own oil. Now it has to transport oil from other countries, often countries located thousands of miles away. Ships and pipelines add to the cost of production.

    6. Lower quality oil. We have used up most of the light sweet crude that is easy to transform into gasoline. Remaining reserves are now heavy sour crude that is expensive to refine into gasoline, and which yields less gasoline per barrel processed. With lower yield, supply is further constricted

    7. Existence of a government-sanctioned monopoly (OPEC) that is determined to raise prices. And a US government that is happy to play along with OPEC.
    Supply and demand.

    I know, you're thinking, we have about the same oil reserves as we did then, so supply is the same. Think again. OPEC got together most of the oil producing states and cut production of oil. We may have the same amount of discovered oil in the ground, but not nearly as much of it is being pumped out.

    Furthermore, demand has increased. We have more people in the world today. That's more people driving cars, some of them dumb enough to heat their homes with heating oil, more people buying plastics made from resin which comes form oil, etc.

    Supply has gone down, demand has gone up. So the price goes up.
    Well... if you assume supply is the same, and price has gone up...

    Probably it means demand has gone up. That holds up when you consider the number of cars/planes/ships in the world today compared to the 1950's.

    Obviously it's a bit more complicated than that, but I'm assuming this is a hypothetical question for an economics class.
    supply is the same, but demand has gone up.

    that means that price goes up as well. It will keep going up as long as people are willing to pay for it as well, when people are no longer willing to pay (demand is down), then the supply will go up (because not as much is being bought), and then prices will go down.

    prices usually follow ';supply and demand.';
    That would be the last years of no new oil refineries being built in the united states. The refineries determine the price at the pump and it is a sham owned by the REPUBLICANS. That is business 101.. This is the real truth. Just google oil refineries and find out how many we have built in the last 8 years. We had no money or time to do it because Bush was in Iraq, Afghanistan and Louisiana trying to fix all his problems. No joke.
    Additional taxes. And while we know where the oil reserves are unlike in the 50's where you found oil and then drilled in America. Now you can spend millions for the rights to look for oil in the US but you are not allowed to drill.
    the government, and the companies that have a monopoly over the oil/gas intake. together they get to control the prices and the flow of oil and gas
    OPEC decides that they would like more money so they store more oil rather than sell it. With less oil on the market it becomes more expensive which causes oil companies to raise the price to make a profit.
    All the state, local and federal taxes that are tacked onto the price of a gallon of gas. Like road taxes, wheel tax.... And the list goes on.
    The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Which did not exisit in the 1950s
    Unbridled greed, enabled by unregulated speculation, thanks the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, compliments of Phil Gramm %26amp; the Republican Party.
    I recently read that the production and storage of oil here in USA actually either raises or lowers the price. Not the arab republics like most believe.
    Supply and demand, regulations on what type of mixture for summer and winter, taxes, lack of refineries to produce more and OPEC
    Greed, profit, people's willingness to PAY for it, and government's failure to do anything to lower demand.
    to even out the economy, if having an employee cost more then your gas is gonna be mor espensive

    so on, with everything
    Alarmism. Environmentalists. And sure, Greed.
    Decreases in he amount of oil produced or the supply and/or increases in demand..
    Oil speculators %26amp; it should not be allowed.
    they are not, even so a dollar today does not equal a dollar then
    Supply and demand, same as always.
    Speculators in the oil market . Trying to make a quick million bucks like they did 2 years ago.
    For one there are many times more people driving today than there were in the 50s.
    inflation I'm sure has a lot to do with it. A dollar isn't worth jack anymore.
    One word: DEMAND!
    So much for, ';The free market is self regulating.'; LOL what a bunch of BS.

    Where did you get that gem?
    because on hoidays they llok at there calendars and think hey lets screw the american people today!

    What are the oil reserves for these countires...?

    What are the oil reserves for these 5 countries?

    Iran, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Iraq and Saudi ArabiaWhat are the oil reserves for these countires...?
    Below is a site that lists the oil reserves of various nations. I hope this helps.What are the oil reserves for these countires...?
    i loved your answer! very great.. about legggings and the belt will cover... hmm... whats a slip? is there a sight u can show me an example of please thank you! Report Abuse

    combined they got us by the cajoles.
    Iran 132.460 billion barrels

    Kuwait 104.000 billion barrels

    UAE 97.800 billion barrels

    Iraq 115.000 billion barrels

    Saudi Arabia 266.810 billion barrels

    Does getting North Korea oil reserves satisfy Bush's eagerness to lift the nuclear weapons ban?

    I would imagine we are paying dearly for this sudden change of heart by North Korea. Remember, Bush wants to leave office with a legacy of being a peacemaker. He won't stretch that goal as far as Iran, even though there is talk of him using diplomacy and arranging meetings with its leaders, which he should have done four or five years ago.

    There is no need for Bush to be aggressive with N. Korea anyway. As far as I know, it doesn't have any particular grudge against Israel and doesn't have any oilfields.Does getting North Korea oil reserves satisfy Bush's eagerness to lift the nuclear weapons ban?
    Nope! Your pretty simple in your outlook on life aint't ya? It's all about how you play the game and who you play it with, you gotta put something up in order to stay in the pot.
  • sunscreen
  • Is it true that without imports, the USA's domestic oil reserves would be exhausted in three years?

    ';Without imports, the USA's domestic oil reserves would be exhausted in three years at the current rate of consumption. The Oil War option is losing favor. Technological breakthroughs will be too slow and voluntary conservation will be too shallow to avert widespread disruption of economic activity, especially transportation and consequently food. Lacking the political will to make conscious, rapid, drastic changes, Americans will be subjected to Mother Nature's adjustments; She did not negotiate with the Mayor of New Orleans; nor will She negotiate the American Way of Life when Saudi Arabia's Ghawar field collapses of its own accord.';

    Can anyone give credible sources about this topic? I don't know if this one is reliable.

    If true this will difinately affect our politics as well as everything else.Is it true that without imports, the USA's domestic oil reserves would be exhausted in three years?
    False. Over 30% of all oil used in the U.S. comes from the U.S..

    Also, there is plenty of oil to last the U.S. for decades without importing a single drop. The problem is there are laws against drilling off of the coast of California and in many parts of the Gulf of Mexico where there are huge reserves of oil.Is it true that without imports, the USA's domestic oil reserves would be exhausted in three years?
    All that is ,is scare tactics. That old dinosaur is the source of oil and peak oil are meant to scare kids and old folks.
    The first answer is absolutely right. The problem isn't the quantity of oil available, it's the lack of options for drilling that keeps us dependent on foreign oil. If our government (in it's infinite wisdom) would stop bowing to environmentalist special interests we'd have access to more than enough oil to be independent.
    I think it would be a clear message if you just said that we should appease the Middle East for oil.
    Is that with or without the oil in ANWR that liberals won't let us drill for?

    If Bush wanted to release 1/3rd of our oil reserves, would congress pass it?

    Bush could release just a third of our reserves and bring down the price of oil instantly. How you ask? The speculators who are betting against the US would lose billions of dollars thus driving the price of oil way down. I support Bush, and he's welcome to my idea, but even if he did, would congess approve?If Bush wanted to release 1/3rd of our oil reserves, would congress pass it?
    Isn't it ironic that gas started to skyrocket all within the last 2 years? Let's see.......what happend 2 years ago that could have started all this? Hmmmmm. Oh yeah! That's right! We elected democrats into the House and the Senate. Coincidence?If Bush wanted to release 1/3rd of our oil reserves, would congress pass it?
    I'm sure congress would pass it in order to lower the oil prices, but if Bush is actually smart enough to make an intelligent decision about the world economy he won't try to realease that much. Ahmed Yamani, Saudi Arabia's oil minister who now controls the largest supply of oil in OPEC, has told the world that there is a large enought supply of oil. That is not the problem as so many have said. However, releasing any more oil into the supply would cause prices to drastically fall and the world economy to collapse. That would not be the smartest move on any politicians part. I'm sure Bush doesn't want the title ';MAN WHO RUINED THE WORLD!'; that's what would happen if any more oil was added to the economy.
    First off... Bush would never go for it. Congress had to fight him to stop filling the reserve even when it was already 97% full... I think it is a good idea... Flood the market with some of our oil, which would drop the price within just a few days... This would be temporary because speculators would know exactly how much extra there would be and how long it would last...

    If we drill in Colorado, where sits a reserve potentially as big as what Canada has... THAT would bring prices down to around $70 or $80 within a few days, and that would sustain for some time...
    Our Politicians are THE PROBLEM period. There is NO REASON why we should NOT go after our own resources. It does NOT hurt the environment, it does NOT hurt the animals. Congress has already just recently shown us they REFUSE to do as such as they just voted down a bill for going after our own resources!!!!!!!!!

    I say OUST THEM ALL!!!! If they would have done this 30 years ago, we would not be in the predicament we are today. I am getting to the belief that our Politicians really do not care what their actions do to the Citizens or our Country, just as long as they think they are beating down the wants of the ';other side';. Sickening, just sickening. IT IS NOT A GAME
    Wishful but there are still enough Republicans to block it, and we all know Bush does as he pleases. He should have been impeached with Cheney. Its about the wealthy and the stock market, unfortunately when the stock market goes up, that means more people lost their job.

    If Republican s want to stay in office, but they are probably getting extra money anyway, and they will still get their taxpayer paid pensions when they leave , not to mention health care for the rest of their life....
    Why? If we want to lower the price we should take the shackles off the oil industry and let them drill in the 48, off the coast, and in Alaska as well.

    Although, there are congressmen who believe the best way to lower gas prices is to increase taxes on big oil. Great logic there.
    If Bush wanted to, he could release oil reserves by executive order, without the approval of congress. Such an action would not have much effect on gas prices however, because prices are not rising nbecause ofshortages of either oil or refining capacity.
    Congress doesn't have to approve it technically. Bush and Cheney have done much to expand the authority of the President these last 8 years.
    I'm not a Bush fan, but that would be a brilliant idea. Too bad all the environmentalists will shoot it down. It'll never be passed, unfortunately.
    maybe, but that is a drop in a barrel. It might lower gas 1 penny, if that.

    Last time they did that, it had no effect.
    Oil reserves are for life or death Mad Max type of situations. We shouldn't go tapping them because the price of gas has become an inconvenience.
    The congress is filled with democrats. They don't like to see America do anything especially use our own oil, thats a big no no in the democrats eyes.
    I do not think that it needs Congressional approval to do this and it would be forthcoming.
    Probably not--because it would make no difference in prices. The oil prices are being manipulated and driven up by the oil companies and OPEC. For releasing oil reserves to have a major effect, the oil market would actually have to be a true free market--which it is not.

    That is NOT a political comment--its a fact. Based on economics--and in particular on the ';neoclassical economics'; the conservatives use.

    A true free market in a commodity requires that competitors not work together but actually compete. It also requires that government(s) not intervene in the market. Neither is the case with the oil commodity market.

    However, first you have the bulk of the worlds oil supply produced by state-owned agencies--and these are part of a co-operative cartel (OPEC) that routinely fixes production at arbitrary levels that often have nothing to do with market demand.

    Second, US oil companies openly act as an informal coartel and also manipulate supply--and enjoy a protected legal position within the framework of US energy policy.

    Third, even if we did release more oil , it would not add a drop of gasonline to what's on the market. US refinery capacity is running at maximum. You wont have any more gasoline--no matter how much crude oil you have--unless more refineries are built. The oil companies have refused to expand refinery capacity for over 15 years (they've even bought out and closed some independant refineries). Why? That should be obvious--by creating an artificial shortage they drive up the price. They might make 10% more by building he refineries to meetdemand. But they've tripled the prices and more than tripled their profits by NOT building the refineries.

    Finally--under current US policy, entry into the energy market by new players is virtually impossible--thus giving US oil companies a de facto monopoly.

    So don't expect the release of oil reserves to cause a major price decrease. In a free market, that would work. We don't have anything resembling a free market in oil.

    Iraq sits on over 115 billion barrels of oil reserves (3rd largest). So, why are we paying the war tab?

    It was announced today that Iraq is going to begin paying for the restructure of its country, also they are going to be paying for the fuel used by the american forces, bit ironic !Iraq sits on over 115 billion barrels of oil reserves (3rd largest). So, why are we paying the war tab?
    The money spent by the US government in Iraq is simply in an attempt to colonize Iraq. Iraq has paid dearly for the unnecessary 2003 invasion by the US and its allies with the lives of its people and the destruction of almost everything modern in the nation. Besides, have you not noticed that all jobs created after the destruction of all modern resources in Iraq are being filled not by Iraqis who so desperately need these jobs, but by the imported workers of the invaders (who incidentally are paid 5 t0 7 times more than what they would have been paid for these type of work in their various nations)? Need I state more to show you why even the Shiites, who originally welcomed the invaders are now against the plundering invaders? Iraq has paid dearly, and continues to pay dearly for the unnecessary 2003 invasion of Iraq!

    Iraq sits on over 115 billion barrels of oil reserves (3rd largest). So, why are we paying the war tab?

    It was announced today that Iraq is going to begin paying for the restructure of its country, also they are going to be paying for the fuel used by the american forces, bit ironic !Iraq sits on over 115 billion barrels of oil reserves (3rd largest). So, why are we paying the war tab?
    The money spent by the US government in Iraq is simply in an attempt to colonize Iraq. Iraq has paid dearly for the unnecessary 2003 invasion by the US and its allies with the lives of its people and the destruction of almost everything modern in the nation. Besides, have you not noticed that all jobs created after the destruction of all modern resources in Iraq are being filled not by Iraqis who so desperately need these jobs, but by the imported workers of the invaders (who incidentally are paid 5 t0 7 times more than what they would have been paid for these type of work in their various nations)? Need I state more to show you why even the Shiites, who originally welcomed the invaders are now against the plundering invaders? Iraq has paid dearly, and continues to pay dearly for the unnecessary 2003 invasion of Iraq!

    Is Mexico the country with largest deposits and reserves of Oil in the western hemisphere?

    YES IT IS.Is Mexico the country with largest deposits and reserves of Oil in the western hemisphere?
    Yes. Mexico owns the largest oil deposits in the Gulf of Mexico.Is Mexico the country with largest deposits and reserves of Oil in the western hemisphere?
    No. Canada is. Canada actually has more oil than Iraq or Iran, but North America only has about 17% of the world's oil.
    no. that would be the bush ranch in texas

    If the US has to open the oil reserves - Will BP (their fault anyway) replenish them for free?

    With the gas prices sky-rocketing and the latest BP Oil incident, there are rumors floating around that the good old USA may have to open up the National Oil Reserve to help relieve the burden that the lack of preventative maintenance by BP Oil has caused.

    My question comes from the notion that if the oil company is at fault, will they replenish the suppy that is deleted for FREE? I believe that they should be held accountable. God knows they have the money to perform maintenance at needed levels.If the US has to open the oil reserves - Will BP (their fault anyway) replenish them for free?
    NO...If the US releases oil from our reserves, the oil companies that get the oil have to PAY us for it at fair market value. It is not a is a cushion in the supply. I personally dont think they will need to open the reserves. Saudi Arabia and Mexico have already said that they will increase production to make up for any shortfall due to this disruption. However, if you live on the west coast where the Alaskan oil is used...there may be a temporary supply disruption to the refineries leading to a price increase short term on the west coast.If the US has to open the oil reserves - Will BP (their fault anyway) replenish them for free?
    The gas companies ain't going to do anything for free, they will only do what helps them.
    The oil companies are not legally obliged to supply us with oil. They find it and sell it. Where were the government inspectors who should have known about the condition of the pipeline? I dont think BP is under any obligation to pay for the oil that they dont supply to the refineries.
    no we as taxpayers will pay an inflated price because the

    government will buy the oil.
  • sunscreen
  • How far up do gas prices have to go before congress can release the oil reserves for the american people.?

    The gas reserves are not intended for the American people. It is there for military use in case the supply gets cut off.How far up do gas prices have to go before congress can release the oil reserves for the american people.?
    It'll never happen.... and if gas prices rise above 5 dollars a gallon, I'm not driving.... and driving is my favorite thing to do..... I love cars so the gas prices are killing me. Having a modified Saab turbo it isn't cheap to run lol....How far up do gas prices have to go before congress can release the oil reserves for the american people.?
    They won't. Congress doesn't care about how much gas is costing us. The reserves are only going to be released when the rest of the world is out of oil. Sorry to break it to you. Peace,
    . It could be $10 a gallon, and we would still be buying it.
    They probably wouldn't because it's a meaningless gesture. The amount of oil in the reserve wouldn't make a dent in the supply side of the supply / demand equation. Also, it's just oil. It would have to be processed into gasoline and all of our refinaries are working 24x7 and cannot accept any new capacity.

    Want to bring gas prices down? Allow an oil refinary to be built! We haven't allowed a new one to be built since the 70's. It's the old ';Not In MY backyard'; syndrome.

    This will not alleviate your cost at the pump, at least not for long. This reserve is meant to supply the U.S. military in the event of a crisis in which the supply has been cut off or severely reduced. Even if the Congress did release this supply you'd still end up paying for higher gas prices because the cost to replace it would be higher since these reserves are paid for with our taxes.

    Why are consumers paying $4.00 plus for a gallon of gas? & Why aren't we using our oil reserves?

    It`s called the free market.If gas went up the same as the price of would be paying over $8.00 a gallon.The free market is keeping the price down,they are only charging what they can get.The same reason why gas in Canada is over $5.00 a gallon and we are an oil exporter,but we pay more because they can get away with it.Why are consumers paying $4.00 plus for a gallon of gas? %26amp; Why aren't we using our oil reserves?
    1) because poor countries are trying hard to become rich:

    china and india want gas too, and when we go shopping at wal-mart or buy software, we give them dollars to buy it with.

    2) because the US dollar has tanked in value:

    if you start a trillion dollar war and cut taxes, no one will want your money. the government has to print more to pay for it, making it worth less. plus, you aren't making anything the world wants.

    3) because people are allowed to gamble on prices:

    just like craps, except probably less regulated. if you think gas is going up higher, you can place a wager. if you're right, you can put the difference in your tank. right now, they're betting on war with iran. if that happens, iran will respond by shutting off the strait of hormuz, through which 20-40% of the world's oil travels.

    4) because there isn't enough competition in the oil industry:

    the oil companies used to be one. they were broken up. now, they're closer to becoming one again. with just a few suppliers, you can't shop around.

    5) because we're addicted to it:

    there's an economic term called 'demand elasticity'. without elasticity, they can raise prices and you'll pay, because you're addicted.

    re. your second question, the reserves are for supply emergencies, not inconvenient high prices.Why are consumers paying $4.00 plus for a gallon of gas? %26amp; Why aren't we using our oil reserves?

    We've given our lives to our politicians. The politicians say you can't drill here, you can't drill there, we can't take the oil shale and convert it to gas, we can't have a oil refinery built anywhere.

    Will we make a difference come November and vote for $4.00 to $5.00 gas again. We will if we continue to vote for people that keep saying they want to veto drilling.
    Oil reserves are for military use NOT stupid consumers.

    You are paying $4/gallon because of the law of supply and demand. You don't have to pay anything for gas - buy a bicycle and peddle.

    Try learning about economics - both macro and micro theories. It'll really help you understand the indirect relationships.
    money and war think about it if you could get more money for something why would you sell it for less.... and demand for gas well it didnt go up until we started fighting about ten years ago.. the best milatary mileage is about 8 miles per gallon many is lower like 3... so there is a demand for gas ... no shortage.... how many gas stations you see with signs saying sorry no gas
    Why do you complain?

    In Canada, we pay $1.31 per litre... which is $5 per gallon.

    And sometimes we pay more.

    Quit your bitchin, I go there for gas. It's cheaper!

    Barack proposing tapping the nation's oil reserves to help drive down gasoline prices

    What do you think?Barack proposing tapping the nation's oil reserves to help drive down gasoline prices
    I think it's stupid. He will propose doing something like this as a sop to the ignorant masses but will not favor opening new areas to exploration. Heaven forbid he propose something that will have a long term affect.Barack proposing tapping the nation's oil reserves to help drive down gasoline prices
    Gas prices aren't going to come down no matter what either Obama or McCain do. The oil companies are making a killing becasue we keep driving our massive cars and keep paying the gas prices (sure, we complain, but we keep doing filling those tanks!), so why would they lower prices? Unless our government forces them to reduce prices, they will continue to charge what they want. It's up to us to force change. Find as many ways around the gas prices as you can. Walk, ride bikes, ride motorcycles, use public transportation, get a hybrid or an electric car. There are options. Stop whining about gas prices and force change.
    It is a good idea, and it has to go along with lifting the ban on drilling for our own oil, plus we need to start new refineries immediately..

    Just giving the OK to start those projects would cause the price of oil to come down, as the Arabs would see that we mean to end their world oil dominance..

    After we did those things, then we need to get in gear and come up with a means of transportation that doesn't depend on oil. and it is possible..
    If we tapped out the whole reserve at the rate we use oil in this country it would be empty in about thirty days. What do you think?
    I think it's idiotic and I just posted a similar question.

    It's fluff.

    It's feel-good fluff to make the sheeple think he's working on the problem.
    Give him a few days, he will likely change his mind again! It will likely change several times before the upcoming election.........
    he might be smarter to get together with T bone pickens, and explore natural gas, of which we have plenty.

    Why has`nt Bush released our oil reserves to lower gas prices?

    Releasing the oil reserves is only a short term fix and it would affect the price of gas for a short time if at all. I am against short term fixes that make us feel good but do nothing to fix the problem.

    We have not built a new oil refinery in the US in 30 years. Do the math, the number of cars has increased dramatically in that time. We now have to import not only oil to refine but also gas. Importing gas is considerable more expensive than importing oil. If the goal is to lower prices then we need to build refineries.

    We also need to get more energy independent. Environmentalist won't let us drill for oil offshore between Florida and Cuba where there is lots of oil. Cuba recently announced that they were going to drill in that area. I guess we are going to just sit back and let Cuba take the oil that we also have a right to. And don't even get me started on drilling in AN-WAR ; and drilling offshore of the eastern and western seaboards. But again I guess it more important that Teddy Kennedy has a nice unobstructed view while the rest of us pay through the nose for gas.

    This is a great country and I have faith in my fellow Americans but let's implement long term real solutions.Why has`nt Bush released our oil reserves to lower gas prices?
    Because Texas is in a 1950's style Oil boom.

    At $100 a barrel thousands of old wells are being reworkedWhy has`nt Bush released our oil reserves to lower gas prices?
    He might think that oil is a limited commodity and we are better off using up theirs before we use up ours - no matter what the price is. If he was smart we would shut down all of our oil production and buy theirs at $200/barrel. Then in a few years, we could sell it back for $1000/barrel and pay off our national debt and go back on the gold standard and all live happily ever after. NOW GO TO SLEEP!
    cause he scared of afganastan and the other guys and if he was going to help us get the gas prices down then he would of already of done it so thank you.......
    Congress has to write the bill.
    Because left-wing dems won't let him open up Alaska.

    Because ignorant dems in office won't let new refineries be built.

    Because stuipd left-wing dems want to protest anything to do with oil because of the global warming hype. It should be noted that a lot of these ';intellectuals' on global warming are the same idiots crying out about ';Global Cooling'; nearly 20 years ago.
    Because it would be much more beneficial to drill Anwar...
    To answer your question;

    What good would it do, Democrats have prevented new refineries from being built anyway to make this oil into gas anyway. So if refineries are producing gas at 100% what good would more oil do, Democrats need to stop blocking American refineries from being built so we can increase refinery capacity, before you see a drop in gas prices.
    I doubt it would lower our price at all. We are at max production at the refining plants. Even if he released it it would just sit in barrels at the plants.
    Congress and the stupid green people who won't let him.

    Is it true that the Alaska oil reserves hold more oil than the middle east and the world?

    No, it is not trueIs it true that the Alaska oil reserves hold more oil than the middle east and the world?
    Nope. And what's important is that it's getting harder to find new reserves. That means we ARE running out, although it'll be awhile before it's gone. That second half will also be harder to get to. This is why it is so important to replace oil within the next few decades. And it's NOT impossible. Search the Internet for alternatives. They ARE out there, whether they're electric, hydrogen, air pressure, zero point power, or other exotic means. Don't wait for the technology to show up at Wal Mart. That will never happen. Get the information, and build something yourself, or find someone locally who has. It's the only way mankind can free themselves from the yoke we all wear.Is it true that the Alaska oil reserves hold more oil than the middle east and the world?
    Greatest Oil Reserves by Country, 2006

    Rank Country Proved reserves

    (billion barrels)

    1. Saudi Arabia 264.3

    2. Canada 178.8

    3. Iran 132.5

    4. Iraq 115.0

    5. Kuwait 101.5

    6. United Arab Emirates 97.8

    7. Venezuela 79.7

    8. Russia 60.0

    9. Libya 39.1

    10. Nigeria 35.9

    11. United States 21.4

    12. China 18.3

    13. Qatar 15.2

    14. Mexico 12.9

    15. Algeria 11.4

    16. Brazil 11.2

    17. Kazakhstan 9.0

    18. Norway 7.7

    19. Azerbaijan 7.0

    20. India 5.8

    Top 20 countries 90.2

    Rest of world 68.1

    World total 1,292.5
    No.. that is not true.. It does hold a lot but the Liberals in the U.%26gt;S. Goverment will not allow us to mine it
    i would doubt it because otherwise we would be drilling there instead of the middle east.
    While there is an abundance there, the democrats don't want us to drill there because of the habitat, you know ,the animals..

    So we just keep paying the huge prices that the arabs want.........Seriously ask a democrat his opinion on oil in Alaska..That will be your answer...go figure....They just don't care because a republican had the idea first...........
    The estimates of the oil there put the value of the entire oilfield at 10% of the US' annual consumption.

    Mind you it isn't the annual production of the field I'm talking about I mean if you could get it all out of the ground and refined at once it would only cover one tenth of the annual usage.

    Trying to open up the ANWAR reserve to drilling isn't about fostering American energy independence, it's a republican gift to their friends in the oil industry. You and I won't be helped in the least by it.

    Why has Obama changed his tune on off-shore oil drilling and tapping into the Stratigic Oil Reserves?

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    Why are so many people concerned with the rate in which the crude oil reserves of the planet are being used?

    Only once the non-renewable energy sources are depleted will the science of renewable energy thrive. Drive large vehicles, waste electricity, you will help get us there sooner.Why are so many people concerned with the rate in which the crude oil reserves of the planet are being used?
    IN a convoluted way, you are making a very good point. Isn't it sad that we change only when forced to? Our consumption of oil is/has produced profound changes to our world...a world that we have no choice but to live in. The greenhouse effect is growing daily, the powers-that-be are so short sighted they do nothing in the serious face of reality. WE are in for some very drastic consequences of our use of oil, and the entire planet will pay heavily for it shortly. In our lifetime, absolutely.Why are so many people concerned with the rate in which the crude oil reserves of the planet are being used?
    b/coz no alternative sources are available right now
    I don't believe many people are concerned about depleting the crude oil reserves. That reality hasn't hit most yet. What they see is the intermediate affect of the high prices on their wallet.

    The benefit of the higher gasoline prices will be the fire it fuels to develop alternate sources of energy.
    The main reason is because so much has been invested in it by so many. Also, that they will lose both jobs and or businesses if oil ran out and the alternative was not something they had catered for or were able to sell. Lots of vested interests at stake not to mention the dramatic change in modes of conveyance that would be necessary. Governments would probably fall too.
    I'm not. When we start running out we can always invade another Middle Eastern country.
    Because they fail to understand what is happening. We use more, we find more. We run out, we find alternatives. If enough people keep their heads in the sand (pun intended), we can act rationally.
    Because America and the Uk have already designed alternative energies to power vehicles and space flight and the rest of the world knows they wont be able to afford the technology. There are thousands of better and longer lasting lubricants like graphite but to release the spell apon the world will lose the leading owners of the oil reserves(BP,TEXACO,SHELL,ESSO %26amp; BUSH PERSONEL FINANCE) INTO DEBT BECAUSE THE WARS ARE WHAT USES THE OIL AND ALTHOUGH AMERICA AND UK OWNS ALL THE WEAPON MAKING COMPANIES THEY WILL NOT TELL THEM ABOUT THE CHANGE IN TECHNOLOGIES UNTILL THEY SELL EVERY LAST DROP TO THEM AND THEN USE THE FORCES TO ERADICATE OTHER COUNTRIES DEVELOPMENT OF THESE TECHNOLOGIES..I THINK ITS CALLED DOG EAT DOG OR DUMB AND DUMBER OR SOMETHING
    oil makes the world go round...

    like here in my country...

    when the fuel price goes high..

    everything goes with it..

    How can one explain the relationship between time, organic matter, pressure, and oil reserves?

    I have wondered about how all this works. My questions were -- 1) With all the billions and billions of barrels of oil buried underground, have there ever been, throughout the millions of year of earth history, enough living plant and animal matter to account for all that oil 2) Almost all the oil reserves are EXTREMELY deeply buried within the earth. How would it have been possible for that much plant and animal matter to have been deposited so deeply?

    I asked this question of a geologist once. He looked at me and said 1) No. There has not been enough plant and animal matter present over these millions of years to account for the amount of oil we have used and are still in reserve. 2) It cannot be explained how all these reserves got so deeply buried.

    So I asked him, ';so how do you explain all this?'; He said he believed that the world was created by God WITH THESE RESERVES ALREADY BURIED DEEPLY WITHIN THE EARTH! God knew that as our knowledge increased throughout the history of the world that we would need varying sources of energy to use as our technology became more sophisticated.

    He believes that if the world continues to exist into the next thousand years, that God has already put in place the next form of energy that we will ';discover'; how to harness.

    So he actually believes that the theory of oil being created by decomposition and pressure of organic material cannot fully explain the oil reserves we have and their location. Interesting, huh?How can one explain the relationship between time, organic matter, pressure, and oil reserves?
    Any science/scientist that formulates a hypotheses based on the first step being ';God did it'; isn't science, because that answers nothing. Then where did god come from?How can one explain the relationship between time, organic matter, pressure, and oil reserves?
    So what? Not all scientists are Atheists, just most of them.

    However, he's a geologist, which means he deals with rocks, not plants.

    That link will explain petro to you.
    Interesting? No.

    Another illustration of the stupidity of some people? Yes.

    Do you think that if the USA fails in the procurement of all middle east oil reserves, Canada's may be next?

    It has already begun. It has been going on for years.Do you think that if the USA fails in the procurement of all middle east oil reserves, Canada's may be next?
    The US does not need to invade. Their corporations all ready own all the oil and gas reserves in the country, as well as all the pipelines for distribution. America owns Canada lock stock and barrel.Do you think that if the USA fails in the procurement of all middle east oil reserves, Canada's may be next?
    Our largest importer of oil is already Canada.

    Short of massive development in Alberta, which is expensive and time consuming, I do not see how were could be getting more oil from them.
    The middle east is running dry, Iran is developing nuclear power so they can sell every barrel they can because they need the money(and they like to scare everyone). Mexico has peaked. It's easy enough to buy oil from Canada. Why would we invade?

    How many innocent civilians, many of them children and babies, have suffered and died to secure oil reserves?

    IN the middle East?

    Since we all should know by now that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and therefore, nothing to do with ';terrorism';, How can we justify

    150,000 civilians dead since this war started?

    And why is Bush so cozy with the Saudi's?--

    Since it is from Saudi Arabia that most of the terrorists come from the hijackers, Osama himself?

    Why do all the other Middle Eastern nations who have public beheadings and stone their women get a free ride?How many innocent civilians, many of them children and babies, have suffered and died to secure oil reserves?
    None. We could have just bought the oil for less than the war. Drop the sanctions/buy the oil. This ';War for Oil'; thing is ridiculous. There'd be no war in the Middle East if Arab Islam Fanatics had not driven planes into our buildings. We would just have continued to buy it. For less money.

    PS: Don't use the Galloway quote above. After all, he was gaining from the Oil for Food program and covering his own butt.How many innocent civilians, many of them children and babies, have suffered and died to secure oil reserves?
    there will be hell to pay till bush is out!
    Very good thought! And here we sit accepting this.
    That is a good question. But another is: How many would suffer and die without oil in America? Granted, I think we must totally get off of oil in a timely fashion - sooner rather than later; but if it were gone tomorrow, we'd all be in a heap of trouble.
    1. Saddam openly gave money to suicide bombers attacking Israel, several Americans have died from that so you are an idiot right off the bat. Also the mastermind of the Achille Laural hijack and killing of Americans was given sanctuary in Baghdad. Your ignorance is astounding.

    2. Screw those kids and if I had my way, we would have dropped troops in the Kurd areas and then killed every stinking Iraqi and took the oil.

    3. Next time post seperate ques, for the different topics you pick. Stop being a bonehead.
    i can't answer any of ur questions... all we need to do is to PRAY and ask GOD to help us...God Bless

    Why will I get bad ratings for this? Because it is the truth people!
    Untold thousands of innocent lives have been lost thanks to the Iraq War.

    Not to mention 2600 brave Americans.
    Galloway vs. The US Senate: Transcript of Statement

    ';Now, Senator, I gave my heart and soul to oppose the policy that you promoted. I gave my political life's blood to try to stop the mass killing of Iraqis by the sanctions on Iraq which killed one million Iraqis, most of them children, most of them died before they even knew that they were Iraqis, but they died for no other reason other than that they were Iraqis with the misfortune to born at that time. I gave my heart and soul to stop you committing the disaster that you did commit in invading Iraq. And I told the world that your case for the war was a pack of lies.

    鈥淚 told the world that Iraq, contrary to your claims did not have weapons of mass destruction. I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to al-Qaeda. I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to the atrocity on 9/11 2001. I told the world, contrary to your claims, that the Iraqi people would resist a British and American invasion of their country and that the fall of Baghdad would not be the beginning of the end, but merely the end of the beginning.

    ';Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be right and you turned out to be wrong and 100,000 people paid with their lives; 1600 of them American soldiers sent to their deaths on a pack of lies; 15,000 of them wounded, many of them disabled forever on a pack of lies.

    If the world had listened to Kofi Annan, whose dismissal you demanded, if the world had listened to President Chirac who you want to paint as some kind of corrupt traitor, if the world had listened to me and the anti-war movement in Britain, we would not be in the disaster that we are in today. Senator, this is the mother of all smokescreens. You are trying to divert attention from the crimes that you supported, from the theft of billions of dollars of Iraq's wealth.

    ';Have a look at the real Oil-for-Food scandal. Have a look at the 14 months you were in charge of Baghdad, the first 14 months when $8.8 billion of Iraq's wealth went missing on your watch. Have a look at Halliburton and other American corporations that stole not only Iraq's money, but the money of the American taxpayer.

    ';Have a look at the oil that you didn't even meter, that you were shipping out of the country and selling, the proceeds of which went who knows where? Have a look at the $800 million you gave to American military commanders to hand out around the country without even counting it or weighing it.

    ';Have a look at the real scandal breaking in the newspapers today, revealed in the earlier testimony in this committee. That the biggest sanctions busters were not me or Russian politicians or French politicians. The real sanctions busters were your own companies with the connivance of your own Government.';
    miss, WE AREN'T KILLING THEM!!!! This war IS about terrorists. Saddam was a terrorist. He killed just as many innocent people as you say we did. But we aren't killing them. If we were their or not, their would still be death. Iraq wasn't exactly a nice little country people think it was before the war.
    N O N E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    they are all terrorists and need to die .Preemptive strike on future terrorists is all the death of a baby is .Get it in your head that all Muslims are terrorists and it will not be so hard to accept the deaths of the children .

    Now what we should of done to save them was remove them from the enviroment they lived in like we do when we find crackhead mothers with babies and children .
    Many many many...but that has been true throughout history, the country with the power goes to the other countries to take their resources.

    As for the guy who posted all the dems supporting Iraq invasion, get a life; all of them have said that knowing then what we know now, their votes would have been different.

    Bushco however still is saying that in spite of it all, the invasion was the right thing to do.

    It was not the right thing to do; invading for the purpose of controlling another country's resources is never the right thing to do; and our children and grandchildren will be paying the price for a long long time.
    Too many. Bush is ';cozy'; with the Saudis because he is in business with them.

    Scientifically, Can some one explain why most of the world's oil reserves are located in Middle-East?

    in ancient times, most of the Middle East are forest, rivers or swamps. As ages go by, the accumulated detritus of the organisms that died in that forests, rivers and swamps was buried together and then heated, compressed and then stored for millions of years.Scientifically, Can some one explain why most of the world's oil reserves are located in Middle-East?
    There can be just one reason, the world's major oceans were located there eons ago.

    When oil reserves deplete, what will we use to make e.g mobile phones, laptops, food packaging etc.?

    Its all made of oil right? so when oil reserves run out in the near future, how will we advance in technology, synthetic oil is not enough, because that is still an oil based product.When oil reserves deplete, what will we use to make e.g mobile phones, laptops, food packaging etc.?
    They are now made of oil because oil has been cheap and plastics are easy to mold, etc.

    Before plastics became cheap, other materials were used. Food came in glass jars and milk bottles, in waxed paper cartons, etc. Some of the more expensive laptops already come in metal cases. Early TV sets were in wooden cabinets, but wood became more expensive, while plastics became cheap so now they generally come in plastic. And phones are so small that the cost of the plastic in them is negligible.


    - plastics can be made of other raw materials (other materials are just more expensive)

    - packages can be made of other materials - both the materials they used to be made of or new materials yet to be used because they've been more expensive.

    Packaging materials are going to be the least of problems w.r.t. oil reserves running low:

    - only about 6% of the oil is used to make plastics.

    - many plastics are used for products other than the sort of packaging you seem to be concerned about.
  • sunscreen
  • With gas overpriced and oil corps. drowning in $,why not tap the huge oil reserves in China and Alaska?

    oil company profits: billions

    oil reserves in China, Alaska, and Greenland could supply the world for the next 500 yearsWith gas overpriced and oil corps. drowning in $,why not tap the huge oil reserves in China and Alaska?
    China is a net oil importing country. Big oil companies are already eyeing the Alaska, Greenland and North Pole (Canada) regions, it just a matters of timeWith gas overpriced and oil corps. drowning in $,why not tap the huge oil reserves in China and Alaska?
    We have been drilling and pumping oil here since 1977. We don't have enough oil to satisfy the needs and wants of the USA.

    How many years will known oil & gas reserves of the world last???

    if i remember correctly, in the Discovery channel or National Geographic, they were estimating it at around 10 to 20 years more given the increasing demand for oil.

    however, some people from Oil producing countries are saying there is enough supply to last 70 plus more years.

    Will we have electricity in 2050 if oil reserves will be null and void by the same year?

    According to Encarta, oil will not be a commercial commodity by the year 2050. Apparently, we need oil to have electricity or to generate electricity. What are we going to do without electricity let alone Social Security benefits within 44 years from now? Will major blackouts occur in 44 years? Will we get really, really cold or really, really hot? How bad is it going to be in 44 years? How much has this planet changed already? How much oil have we really used already? Too much too soon? Is it too late to turn back? How real is this world going to be in 44 years? How geographically-minded are we going to have to become? Will we survive in 44 years? Do we have nonelectric options right now? Is solar power nonelectric? Will the sun power our lives like never before in 44 years? Will we retire in luxury as the sun will bathe us with its energy? Will it be a sunny day on a beach in 44 years? Or will it be not so pretty? Does oil regenerate itself if we stop taking it from the earth?Will we have electricity in 2050 if oil reserves will be null and void by the same year?
    There's always hydro-electric dams in large rivers (like the columbia) that can produce electricity without oil.Will we have electricity in 2050 if oil reserves will be null and void by the same year?
    If we exhaust our coal and fossil fuel resources, we will presumably turn toward an alternate fuel. Electricity can also be produced through nuclear, hydroelectric, solar, oceanic thermocline, geothermal, wind power, or similar technologies. Each has benefits and drawbacks, for example solar power is efficient and feasible in hot and dry climates only, and requires large amounts of solar cell panels. Wind power similarly only operates in areas with large amounts of wind, and some people object to the large windmills required (they are known to kill birds). Hydroelectric can only be utilized near rivers, or large bodies of water, but that resource is usually relatively nature-friendly. Nuclear power doesn't create the large amounts of wastes coal does, nor the global warming effect, however there are concerns about nuclear high level waste (HLW) and its storage. Geothermal energy produces sulfide gases, and requires the plant to be near either a natural source of heat or a geothermal well.

    Personally I believe the answer lies in nuclear power. Currently the US has about 100 nuclear plants, which produce combined about 20% of the power. France generates most of its power through nuclear. Disasters like Chernobyl are extremely unlikely to be repeated, as that was due to rather faulty Russian design (their RBMK reactors were designed poorly, positive void coefficients and moderator followers on the control rods, and the containment building was noexistant) and gross human error.

    Fossil fuel does indeed regenerate, but it takes many, many years for the carboniferous materials to die and become coal or oil. If we exhaust our fossil fuel resources, we will not be able to wait around for them to regenerate.
    That's too many questions to ask at once. Electrical power can be generated from fuels other than oil. The could be rolling blackouts or brownouts, but I would expect more powerplant to be build to handle the load. I'm personally willing to pay more for electricity if it ensures a reliable supply.

    Why would it get really cold or really hot in 44 years? If you're talking about global warming, the expected temperature change is only a few degrees this whole century.

    Oil does not regenerate itself at a reasonable speed. Over a very long time, dead life forms can turn into oil.