Monday, April 26, 2010

How much OIL reserves does the United States own in Alaska, California, New Mexico, and Texas ?

Not enough!

We want, We need, and We must have PEMEX!

Merida Initiative conveniently departs from the myth that organized crime, corruption, drug supply and drug demand end at the US-Mexico border.How much OIL reserves does the United States own in Alaska, California, New Mexico, and Texas ?
The Strategic Oil Reserve is not attainable oil. It's stored oil, and is currently at about 700 million barrels stored in the SPR's salt caverns off Louisiana and Texas.

Last year there was a US government lease auction in the Gulf of Mexico for sites with a potential for about 400 million barrels--enough for 20 days of oil for the US.

If ANWR in Alaska was opened for drilling, it could possibly have a peak of 876,000 barrels a day by 2025. That means the US would still have to import about two-thirds of its oil.

If offshore drilling were opened in California, it could yield about 10 billion barrels--enough for about 17 months of the US need.How much OIL reserves does the United States own in Alaska, California, New Mexico, and Texas ?
That depends on what kind of oil you're referring to,,,,shale oil and coal, an abundance, vast quantities. But shale oil is very expensive to convert into gasoline.

Easy to reach pools of oil, very little, about ten years worth.
Enough to where we could be using it instead of buying it frmo foreign dictators and terrorists.

But the leftist environmental-cases won't let us.

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