Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why has`nt Bush released our oil reserves to lower gas prices?

Releasing the oil reserves is only a short term fix and it would affect the price of gas for a short time if at all. I am against short term fixes that make us feel good but do nothing to fix the problem.

We have not built a new oil refinery in the US in 30 years. Do the math, the number of cars has increased dramatically in that time. We now have to import not only oil to refine but also gas. Importing gas is considerable more expensive than importing oil. If the goal is to lower prices then we need to build refineries.

We also need to get more energy independent. Environmentalist won't let us drill for oil offshore between Florida and Cuba where there is lots of oil. Cuba recently announced that they were going to drill in that area. I guess we are going to just sit back and let Cuba take the oil that we also have a right to. And don't even get me started on drilling in AN-WAR ; and drilling offshore of the eastern and western seaboards. But again I guess it more important that Teddy Kennedy has a nice unobstructed view while the rest of us pay through the nose for gas.

This is a great country and I have faith in my fellow Americans but let's implement long term real solutions.Why has`nt Bush released our oil reserves to lower gas prices?
Because Texas is in a 1950's style Oil boom.

At $100 a barrel thousands of old wells are being reworkedWhy has`nt Bush released our oil reserves to lower gas prices?
He might think that oil is a limited commodity and we are better off using up theirs before we use up ours - no matter what the price is. If he was smart we would shut down all of our oil production and buy theirs at $200/barrel. Then in a few years, we could sell it back for $1000/barrel and pay off our national debt and go back on the gold standard and all live happily ever after. NOW GO TO SLEEP!
cause he scared of afganastan and the other guys and if he was going to help us get the gas prices down then he would of already of done it so thank you.......
Congress has to write the bill.
Because left-wing dems won't let him open up Alaska.

Because ignorant dems in office won't let new refineries be built.

Because stuipd left-wing dems want to protest anything to do with oil because of the global warming hype. It should be noted that a lot of these ';intellectuals' on global warming are the same idiots crying out about ';Global Cooling'; nearly 20 years ago.
Because it would be much more beneficial to drill Anwar...
To answer your question;

What good would it do, Democrats have prevented new refineries from being built anyway to make this oil into gas anyway. So if refineries are producing gas at 100% what good would more oil do, Democrats need to stop blocking American refineries from being built so we can increase refinery capacity, before you see a drop in gas prices.
I doubt it would lower our price at all. We are at max production at the refining plants. Even if he released it it would just sit in barrels at the plants.
Congress and the stupid green people who won't let him.

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