Monday, April 26, 2010

Should the Democrats allow the oil reserves in Alaska to be drilled?

With gas prices going over $4.00 per gallon!Should the Democrats allow the oil reserves in Alaska to be drilled?
We should drill everywhere within our territories that there is oil. Oil rights should be put out to bid with the contingency that refinery capacity must be expanded as well. The thing that perhaps makes me most furious is that the liberals and moderates who are now saying that getting the oil will take too long to effect our current market situation ARE THE SAME TRAITORS TO THIS COUNTRY WHO HAVE BEEN BLOCKING DOMESTIC OIL EXPLORATION FOR YEARS!!! They should be drawn and quartered for betraying this country.Should the Democrats allow the oil reserves in Alaska to be drilled?
Yes, they should allow it, but that has nothing to do with gas prices.

-The people in the area could use the work and improved transportation structure necessary for the operation.

-The areas so picturesquely-captured by environmentalists as propoganda are not the bleak landscapes that would be drilled.

-There is little tourism in the area to be affected.

-As the Arctic Ocean continues to open, the U.S. will likely benefit strategically from a naval base in the region. A close supply of oil could prove advantageous over long-distance transport.

-Any incoming supply of oil reduces our reliance on foreign sources, thus preserving our economic autonomy.

The fact is, the gas prices would not drop at all (the incoming supply would be far lower than the rate of increase in demand). But the other benefits are each sufficient in and of themselves to allow this drilling.
The idea behind this is this oil would not be used in the USA! We would sell it to foreign nations to increase world supply causing prices to go down. If we were to use it for ourselves it would raise gas prices because of simple wage issues. 2 cents a day vs. 20 dollars an hour.

Of course the theory that it would lower gas prices well. I don't know have to wait and see. I have a strong feeling it won't help to much imo.
Sure. The prices will still be high when Bush leaves office so he can take the blame. Maybe we should wait to make sure Obama is elected so he can take credit when prices drop.
They have a better chance than Hillary of getting drilled
It's not just the Democrats that are against it.
yes, and we should expand the refineries as well. we shouuld not let these eco-terrorist interfere anymore.
It certainly feels like a good time.
Last time I looked, Democrats in this country had to go to work too. So yeah...they should.
yea and they should have YEARS ago when it was first discovered so we wouldn't be in this position to begin with.
Lol! That oil will be shipped to China and sold. Not a drop will come to the USA.

And even if it did, it would be a drop in the bucket and we wouldn't feel the effects for about a decade.

Besides, didn't Bush have a plan on using Iraqi oil---you know, to pay for the war and all?

WHAT A LOSER---and NO I didn't write 'LOOSER'---I know how to spell the word correctly.
I am against it. We have off shore drilling available that would be more feasible to send to refineries here in the states. Alaska should be last resort.
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