Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What would happen when all the oil reserves run off after 50 years from the world?

I'm pretty sure we'll find something new to take the place of oil, I don't think it'll get to the point that we'll exhaust all the oil in the world.What would happen when all the oil reserves run off after 50 years from the world?
Then they will start using the stuff Tesla invented some time ago to power the things that oil does now. But to many people are getting rich on oil, so why not get richer while some is left.What would happen when all the oil reserves run off after 50 years from the world?
About 6 billion people (50 years from now) will starve to death because there won't be any petrol to manufacture fertilizer or to fuel mechanized agriculture.

The remaining population would live in medieval conditions.
If all the oil completely runs out there will be chaos. People will adapt but for a while it will be bad. It is not just being able to drive your car that will be affected. Many plastics, medical chemicals and many other things that come from oil that no longer will be here for us. Machinery to run the factories will stop because no lubrication for them. Your house will freeze in the winter and so many other things. No electricity either. Just think even the water will be shut off because the oil is not there to lubricate the pumps. The list goes on for a long time. You better hope there is something to replace many of the uses for oil long before we completely run out. There is new oil being created all the time but not fast enough to help much. Keep thinking about it.
We will find another stash to last another 200 years.
You will see a diversity of alternative power being utilized. Hydrogen Fuel cell, Nuclear, Solar, Wind, and even Hybrid power sources.

The other direction to take is to make applicances that consume power, more energy efficient.

The once rich oil nations will have one less card to play.
In less than 50 years hydrogen fuel cells will be powering automobiles and Nuclear power will be supplying most of the electricity.
The world has nearly 1000 years worth of oil at current usage, much of it within the borders of the US.
We will all find out what cool technologies are being suppressed because the oil companies are making such insane profits!!!
There is more than 50 years worth of oil left.
We'll all have to start walking places and using other resources....I dunno how we'll ever get by.

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