Monday, April 26, 2010

Why Bush has not put into effect the oil reserves at his disposal?

Why Bush has not put a million gallons. Of the oil reserves on the market like Clinton had done to squash the oil prices?

Now this question should bring about a ton of replysWhy Bush has not put into effect the oil reserves at his disposal?
Exxon-Mobil paid him off by being his biggest sponsor in the 2004 election and by being his 2nd biggest donor in the 2000 election, only behind ENRON, a company of crooks.Why Bush has not put into effect the oil reserves at his disposal?
Safety is more important than oil prices. And there is no oil shortage.

Even China is building up a large oil reserve for an emergency.
Why hasn't the Palosi Congress rolled back the taxes on fuel, oh forgot she did promise to cut gas prices......but instead named a few post offices......
because that is all we have and we need it for a emergency not for us to have cheaper gas.
that's not really what Clinton did.
High oil prices are not a factor in Mr. Bush's concerns. Profits are another thing entirely.
Who knows. Why was gas only $1.46 when he first took office? He has spreading freedom and democracy on his mind, not on us.
That's for emergencies. I think he did put a little into the system once, not sure, but that is for a national emergency.
Because we're saving those for a true emergency (like if we go to war and lose all of our incoming oil shipments), and because we don't really have enough refined oil to make a difference.
Why would he? there is no oil shortage.

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