Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why are so many people concerned with the rate in which the crude oil reserves of the planet are being used?

Only once the non-renewable energy sources are depleted will the science of renewable energy thrive. Drive large vehicles, waste electricity, you will help get us there sooner.Why are so many people concerned with the rate in which the crude oil reserves of the planet are being used?
IN a convoluted way, you are making a very good point. Isn't it sad that we change only when forced to? Our consumption of oil is/has produced profound changes to our world...a world that we have no choice but to live in. The greenhouse effect is growing daily, the powers-that-be are so short sighted they do nothing in the serious face of reality. WE are in for some very drastic consequences of our use of oil, and the entire planet will pay heavily for it shortly. In our lifetime, absolutely.Why are so many people concerned with the rate in which the crude oil reserves of the planet are being used?
b/coz no alternative sources are available right now
I don't believe many people are concerned about depleting the crude oil reserves. That reality hasn't hit most yet. What they see is the intermediate affect of the high prices on their wallet.

The benefit of the higher gasoline prices will be the fire it fuels to develop alternate sources of energy.
The main reason is because so much has been invested in it by so many. Also, that they will lose both jobs and or businesses if oil ran out and the alternative was not something they had catered for or were able to sell. Lots of vested interests at stake not to mention the dramatic change in modes of conveyance that would be necessary. Governments would probably fall too.
I'm not. When we start running out we can always invade another Middle Eastern country.
Because they fail to understand what is happening. We use more, we find more. We run out, we find alternatives. If enough people keep their heads in the sand (pun intended), we can act rationally.
Because America and the Uk have already designed alternative energies to power vehicles and space flight and the rest of the world knows they wont be able to afford the technology. There are thousands of better and longer lasting lubricants like graphite but to release the spell apon the world will lose the leading owners of the oil reserves(BP,TEXACO,SHELL,ESSO %26amp; BUSH PERSONEL FINANCE) INTO DEBT BECAUSE THE WARS ARE WHAT USES THE OIL AND ALTHOUGH AMERICA AND UK OWNS ALL THE WEAPON MAKING COMPANIES THEY WILL NOT TELL THEM ABOUT THE CHANGE IN TECHNOLOGIES UNTILL THEY SELL EVERY LAST DROP TO THEM AND THEN USE THE FORCES TO ERADICATE OTHER COUNTRIES DEVELOPMENT OF THESE TECHNOLOGIES..I THINK ITS CALLED DOG EAT DOG OR DUMB AND DUMBER OR SOMETHING
oil makes the world go round...

like here in my country...

when the fuel price goes high..

everything goes with it..

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