Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Do you think that if the USA fails in the procurement of all middle east oil reserves, Canada's may be next?

It has already begun. It has been going on for years.Do you think that if the USA fails in the procurement of all middle east oil reserves, Canada's may be next?
The US does not need to invade. Their corporations all ready own all the oil and gas reserves in the country, as well as all the pipelines for distribution. America owns Canada lock stock and barrel.Do you think that if the USA fails in the procurement of all middle east oil reserves, Canada's may be next?
Our largest importer of oil is already Canada.

Short of massive development in Alberta, which is expensive and time consuming, I do not see how were could be getting more oil from them.
The middle east is running dry, Iran is developing nuclear power so they can sell every barrel they can because they need the money(and they like to scare everyone). Mexico has peaked. It's easy enough to buy oil from Canada. Why would we invade?

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